How much have you spent on pussy?

Breeder LW admits to using 780k on pussy. Lakini yeye bado hajafikia ligi ya Simpmaster mwenyewe @MikeOcksmal who used double the amount on pussy only. Mna pesa ya kuharibu.
1.5M inakupea shamba huku 50×100 safi sana. Ukiingia ndani 2 kilometres utapata 1/4 acre (100×100) na hiyo pesa. Anyway mi ni peasant sitaki kuongelea doo za wenyewe.


Nkianza some online biznes while in campus, I borrowed this lady a laptop, in the first two weeks I had made 30k, gave the woman 12k. That’s the most I have ever given a lady


:hourglass_flowing_sand:Then 5 years from now, ngoma zake hazihit anymore, pesa ya Mozzart imeisha, ataanza kubitch vile Kenyans are ungrateful. :hourglass:


Fake chieth


Reaction GIF by moodman


Hehehehe …

Would it shock you to learn that I know people who have had Veronica Shikhwekwe Mungasia Sidika for FREE … ??? :rofl:

Chokosh toa kalkyuleta ufanye ni shot ngapi za wan chweza. Hio ni lifestyle shots in kalabash.


I have 4300 since 2020 to 2024 on 6 different women.

Inaezekana, labda alimshikia mazda demio na io pesa

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Content creators creating viral content. How original.

How do we count this expense? Dates, fee for service ama?

Mimi nikianza kubesabu I’ll never talk to a woman again. ATM I’m owed money by someone’s gf and inaniuma Sana juu hizo slice nilikula 2023 mwisho.


how much does the woman owe you?

Haijafika 100k but bado ni pesa mingi

its a lot of money still

how did you lend her money considering she’s someone’s girlfriend?

You can always just tell wanaume hawakupata pussy during their broke days

Wakishika pesa they chase skirt ka mafala

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Sex is a basic need for a man. You shouldn’t go a week without entering a woman.


I ask myself the same question as well and I have no answer.

I saw a friend lend 120 k to a female friend
He had to threaten her with goons wakuje kumchota…

only way ya kulipwa ni na pudesh sasa


Mimi mwanamke naeza pea pesa pekee ni mamangu. Hao wengine siwezi. Urafiki na wanawake is a no. Kama hamdinyani chorea story zo. Wanawake huwa na reasoning ya upuzi sana. Kwanza hao wa kuomba pesa afadhali tukosane lakini siezi mpea kabisa. When I was working I nishaiokolea colleague na 20k bana, ile ujinga alianzanga. Kila siku ni story. Ilifika point sasa tulikosana bana. Ilibidi niongee na ule HR mtiaji nione vile ntapata pesa yangu. I ended up getting 15k only. Iyo 5k nilimwachia juu sasa ilikuwa imeanza kukuwa kesi.


@EL_CUCUY fyata bakuli kabisa kijana. Kama 1.5 m kitu akili yako inafikiria tu ni kununua shamba huko ocha, potelea mbali. Ukiendelea kutumia kichwa hivi kama store ya meno, hutawai acha kukua peasant.

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