There is this gallery in Belgium which is famous for selling african goods. When africans arrived in Belgium(from former colonies such as DR.C and Burundi) they set up the shops in the gallery and hired blacks, but due to jealousy and low IQ the blacks whom the owners hired didn’t work as hard and were lazy because they didn’t respect the idea of being hired by someone black like them. This led to the black owners strugling economically and eventually all the shops in the gallery were brought up by Indians whom own them today but you wouldn’t know that since all the employes are black and these low IQ blacks are working hard today since they respect their Indian masters. The problem of black people is black people, no unity due to low IQ.
That might be the case, or that might not be the case
It reminds me of a similar story told by an asian man where he said he didn’t respect blacks and thought them inferior with low IQ. He said that an asian/non black person can set up a shop beside a black owned shop in a black neighbourhood and the low IQ blacks will help that asian store bankrupt the black store. Low IQ at its finest.
Wewe unaenda mbali na examples zimejaa hata ushago kwenyu. If in doubt, jaribu kuandika ndugu ama cousin yako mwenye anahustle job kwa biashara ama shamba yako uone moshi. A flourishing business or farm will be gone in a second.
I have not read the post, but fuck Indians
So, you just put out abuse without reading anything? Which kind? and why?
Son, Indians and other yellow people are extremely racist. That’s why I say fuck them
But this doesn’t take into account how the store is managed and how you’re treated… As for me I don’t have to promote anyone, regardless of color, how you treat me at your establishment, and the quality of service or goods, will be the determining factor.
You can’t blame the employees, it was the black masters who could not manage the businesses…full stop
Indians succeed in business because they work very very hard, you find an old muindi spending time in the shop more than 12 hours a day…if it is an african owner lazima atoke akatafute ma slay queens and whatever other ‘important’ stuff they always have to go do
Its true though, the low IQ black employee doesn’t work as hard unless he’s working under a white man/non black person. Even when you walk into a white owned quality store in Africa the black employees will threat you bad but once they see a white person coming they will start smiling. Even at the airport you will see how the enployees threat black travelers vs white and other non blacks. Its self hate and low IQ.
This argument usually sounds righteous but isn’t really true.
If a restaurant owner who did all those things you’ve described and served you great food and treated you well, but you learn that he’s a pedophile, you won’t really go back to eat there, would you? So it’s not only the service and food that matter. External factors are taken into account too. Some of which is about what causes you’re willing to support or care about in society as well.
Lete B/W, thermal na IR images. Effidense
There is no connection between IQ and this bogus story sijui from where, which means you have a small brain.
Indians do not trust their families either. They simply are masters of aggressive accounting and stock taking. Mhindi ata ukivunja chupa ya soda anataka kuiona mbele yake kabla itupwe. That is why kuwaibia ni ngumu.
I still do not understand why people do not try to make their businesses as cashless as possible. Unless your family members are experts in hacking banks and mobile money systems, you will hardly face issues on the money side.
Now on the customer service side… Now that is where Africans fail. Family members will never treat your business as if it is their own.
Indians do
Not Bogus story, the market place is called Matonge in Brussel belgium. And only blacks would freely lead themselves into being slaves of other people due to low IQ.