How is your typical workday like?

Today I have worked on a repetitive task/document 52 times.:eek::eek::frowning:

I have been so engrossed with this task I had not realised the number of downloads and re-uploads i had done till it was done, literally a couple of mins ago. I think I must have drowned like a litre of hot power, to get this done today.


I will now go ahead kurudishia mwili shukrani with a BOGOF pizza!

How is your typical work day like guys?, and is your work life balance in tune? Anything you are working on you would like to share?

I’m currently tackling work left behind by the guy who was on duty yesterday… and I still have my own workload. It’s been a long day, na bado haijaisha.

5:50 a.m - 11 p.m. Not a minute I don’t enjoy.

Happens to me too when working on a document. Sometimes I end up with too many copies with various degrees of modification that identifying the very final one becomes tricky.

Use a version control software like Git.

We are not busy at work at all. No work, no money. I had someone saying that there only work is only dropping and picking kids from school.
Thats how down this politics have taken us… :mad::mad::mad:

The last few days have been hell for me.NTSA servers are down on one side and our clients want services…and then IEBC payments came through albeit with a lot of politics from members

Pole bana. lets hope this nonsense ends on the 26th!

Wueh, IEBC ni muoto saa hizi!, you can just find yourself on someones list in a press conference at 11.20am

Oh yes!lucky for me we only provided a service.for a moment there we thought payments zitabounce
Mimi huspend nikichokora hizi machines.

Have you ever worked on a document for like half a day and then close it, unaulizwa if you want to save the changes and clicked NO!? hio siku ndio mtu hulia machozi!

The economy will only get back to normal if there will be no contest and a president is sworn in. So you can bet had Dec, things will be real slow.

done it…

There is a lady who did that with her project report in campus, alitoa machozi.
Autosave really helps.

activate kitu inaitwa autosave buda


I had a site meeting nkatokea mapema so sikurudi ofisi. sai nakoroga pigsty ya jamaa apa nipate ya whisky. ndio napanga sheet

I can relate. I even tried to Ctrl Z nione kama nitarudishwa back to the document

Pwahahahaahhahahahahahahahahaha u download a single document 52 times n its a PDF so u work with adobe acrobat and your job is editing PDFs I beleive u cioz unaweza kuwa umereceive 52 invoices ama LPOs:p