Here: I’m leaving to see a doctor too… :D:D:D:D
Here: I’m leaving to see a doctor too… :D:D:D:D
Reminds me of Vogon poetry which was said to be that bad.
People are hating on the song but the views on the video indicate it is a success:
People are just scrambling to see what exactly is it that people are hating. Wacha arelease two or thrwe more projects
For all we know her team is the one trolling to create publicity
Take a hit from the sauzi afrikan group called Die Antwoord,utaelewa the different taste people have in music.
It will cost you KSh 850,000 per appearance to have Diana Marua perform at your event, singer Bahati has announced.
The rate card comes a few days after the newest rapper in town released her debut track Hatutaachana, which had a lukewarm reception.
Bahati disclosed that the public only knows one song but she already has four, complete with videos.
“A normal appearance when she is called to appear as a vlogger is KSh 500,000, so the management rated her at around KSh 850,000 per show,” Bahati announced.
According to him, EMB Records, the recording label he owns and which Diana is signed to, made an executive decision to release only one for the time being to test the market. The Barua singer also weighed in on the manner in which the newest rapper in town has been received by the public, advising her to do what she believes in without caring what people say.
His sentiments come in the wake of sharp criticism from the public after Diana released her debut single a few days ago. Hours into the release, her would-be fans asked her to stay off the music industry as she was not cut to be a singer. Most of them argued that she has built a better brand as a product influencer and vlogger, therefore, doing lurid videos will taint the image.
Others were adamant that she is not talented enough when it comes to music, and that she shouldn’t force herself because her husband is an artist.
“Not happy for you Diana, you could have continued on what you were doing before it ain’t a good picture to view such,” said Dorcas Nekesa.
“She is not blessed with a voice, she’s singing like she’s just talking. Who said if your husband is an artist then you should sing too?” added Jaber Atieno.
All eyes are now on which direction the singer’s music will take, and how she will manage to balance singing, product influencing, and vlogging.
Simple boy 2.0, both in looks and talent
Ndio hiyo ya pili ameangusha. We shall see how it performs.
She really thinks she is doing something with this track.
Huyu dem mta hate mpaka mumpende: