How Baba will win in Round 1 - Hasla P.O. Box Sukoi



Exit poll hapa Eastpolis JAKOM analead na 53% JAMBAZI 42%. Undecided 3% other 1%. TURNOUT 45%.

I had respect for this guy hearing that he came from sijui Google or IBM. Everytime I see him in the media lately it shows he got to work there by luck. What’s his story? Meffi sana Mucheru.

first round loss for agwambo

Continue hallucinating

He has all the data just like google and IBM. Data doesnt lie and data says baba will win round 1.

The writing is on the Wall … :D:D


Campaigning as a CS is the problem. Meffi sana

In 2017 CSs campaigned for Uhuruto and it was OK. So what is the issue now?

Udakus wanaskia kujinyonga :D:D

Real statistics are as follows:

Rift Valley - 97% Ruto, Raila 3%
Western - 40% Ruto, Raila 60%
Nyanza - 10% Ruto, Raila 90%
Central - 80% Ruto, Raila 20%
Nairobi - 40% Ruto, Raila 60%
Eastern - 50% Ruto, Raila 50%
North Eastern - 60% Ruto, Raila 40%
Coast - 50% Ruto, Raila 50%

Nyinyi watu ndio hufanta raila autpe mbao aanze kulialia mbele ya camera. Si mumwambie ukweli tu. Rao mara hii atapigwa kiboko kali kuliko ile alipewa kwale aone marundurundu mchana adhani ni usiku

Narok, kajiado, laikipia, samburu, nakuru, trans nzoia, baringo, pokot, turkana are all in RV and baba will get majority votes (>50%) there.

In 2013 and 2017 Uhuru + Ruto could only manage 50%+1 even with kumira kumira ka thuraku. Saa hii Mt Kenya is divided and therefore baba will win very easily.

Raila also had the whole of coast, and he had not betrayed kalonzo. So your point is useless and moot. Also , muthama was supporting him mercilessly. Raila continues to belittle and tharau kambas. He has no idea how difficult it is to just walk to a school to vote in kmabaland where there is a real chance of getting bit by flying snakes. Yeye huchukulia support ya wakamba very casually

Tukutane Kwa Debe Hapo August …
Baadaye Safari ya Kurudi Sugoi … :D:D

Mgisu ni kama shemeji yako @Motokubwa amekubali jakom RAO amechukua hii kitu. Muambie aongee poa tumpatie tender ya nyama pale statehouse.

Riala still has the coast. Also wiper is in azimio and so all nearly all kamba leaders kina ngilu, kivutha. Kalonzo mwenyewe bado ako azimio. So coast and ukambani are in azimio. So is kisii, western, narok, kajiado, taita taveta, NE, Nairobi etc. Hii UDAku is only in kalenjin RV and parts of Mt Kenya.

Hizi ni gani tena:D

