Ladies…in this Covid19 period how are you dealing with housegirls?Are you giving them Off?Bear in mind most come from Kawangware…
No offs
shida…kwanza hapa apartments zetu wameambiwa hakuna kuingia considering most come in the morning and leave jioni…itabidi paid leave for those who can afford
Abaki hapa kwa nyumba kabisa, ama akienda aende kabisa. Na kwani off anaenda rao wapi?
You mathafcukers are worried about the wrong disease.
Wueeeh off lazima ndio akasortiwe huko nje. No one really wants a horny Househelp to overthrow the govt :D:D:D:D
Vile nimeona, Covid ni kama inashika middle class, sio ya safara
[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Sasa hii ni hesabu gani unapiga
Kupatiana slices ofcourse,ama unashughulikia hio sekta?
Sunday off day is meant for a different kind of worship not pastor ng’anga’s .
What’s new here? Siku hizi off the grid ndio zangu.
The order of priori kind of worship?
Nothing much, plenty of tribalism, single mom bashing, alpha beta cuck cult been a while since competence visited
:D:D Oh well… maybe we should liven the place up then eh ? What do you say oh long fingered one ?
[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]I say a game of pool is in order, hard shots… soft shots… the main theme
Mwaki mùnene- khupipi hajachoma wewe na supu Moto bado ?
Niko poa - kupitia tu .
sina bibi