Kumaliza siku we headed back to Homabay hiyo jioni Jemo alikuwa na itinerary ya mzoga wake na akampigia simu akakuja. Tukiwa harakati ya kutafuta supper tukakutana na another former colleague alikuwa anafanya kazi hiyo region, mjamaa kuona mzoga akaniita kando swali ya kwanza aliniuliza nani ako na huyo mzoga… nikamwambia ni Jemo. Akaniambia “mwambie rafiki wako aweke trust mpangoni…hawa ni wale wameongezwa” It registered, according to this friend the organization t whe mzoga was working for, one of the qualifications was that one had to be living positively, the insisting on going back to change and freshen… the fact that she was avoiding alcohol… hapo singeleak secrets za Jemo but as we talked in coded language I told Jemo to ditch the mzoga who luckily was leaving for Nairobi that night
To take care of the immediate risk, I pushed Jemo we look for one of his friends that was a clinical officer, and I pretended to have been the one who dry fried a mzoga, “we went Jemo along for moral support”. Jamaa took me through the steps of rebuking me and counselling me and gave me a month of PEP… as weleft I handed them over to Jemo na kumwambia ajaribu kufuata ile maagizo nilipewa. As if that was not all, siku mbili baada ya kula Kunguru Jemo comes up with some problem… Mjuols iko na shida. Pimples zimeanza kutokea… Hapo for the rest of the trip ndio alianza kuhepa bibi na akaacha pombe for a few days. As we discussed, I knew some herbs that one needed to boil and drink half a glass for like three days to clear the infection. But sasa na hizi safari how do you start carrying around herbs to boil… ikabidi avumilie turudi nairobi.
The effect of the PEP was devastating jamaa was nauseated and had a constant running stomach, We pleaded that Jemo was unwell, took off a day earlier and as we passed through my home, I managed to boil him a litre to drink for a few days… though within a week of getting back to nairobi the infection was cleared sasa ikawa ni hide and seek na bibi for one month hadi amalize PEP. That was a reality check and a shocker . Jemo naye he swore that hatawahi danganyika kula mzoga ingine. But wapi, wanaume ni wale wale…
Isiolo chronicles… vile karibu tuuliwe na waborana…
Hekaya safi…
pewa like
Hekaya sawa
The small head will finish men… it presents its case so convincingly…it becomes a herculean task to deny it whatever it asks for.
Arimis manenos, Dry fry, HKM, Rape…the big head sincerely needs divine help!
Injinia umekuwa philosopher siku hizi
Hekaya on point ata ka imekuja ka series sasa leta hyo ya Isiolo mbio mbio SV tukupandishe cheo ukuwe VE
Hekaya swaffi sana… though I have replaced Jaymo with @Mnyama Fulani
Don’t drink and fuc…err drive
Nice hekaya
Hekaya safi sana.
Heckayer saffi, likes zangu. Hapo sawa …
Hekaya top. Leta Season 2 fasta fasta
Just observation manenoz…
Wikuo muno
Hekaya Swafi Sana
Aki shimo itamalisa sisi