History..When Blacks ruled Europe


This may seem hard to believe, but in the 12th Century, Oxford was a primitive village stuck in the European Medieval Dark Ages. Meanwhile Africa had powerful Kingdoms like the Mali Empire. The Universities of Timbuktu and Sankore were thriving centers of scholarship and research. Scholars came all the way from Greece and Macedonia to study there.

In those days, the most primitive people were Northern Europeans like the Germanic, Celtic , Anglo-Saxon and Frankish tribes (i.e. Franks, Vandals, Visigoths, Barbarians, etc) The Mediterranean tribes like Greeks and Romans walikuwa wamedharau hii watu sana. Britain as you know was colonised and civilised by Romans.

The ancient Romans described the German tribes thus:

They are nearer to animals than men. They are by nature unthinking, and their manners are crude. Their bellies protrude, their colour is white and their hair long. In sharpness and delicacy of spirit and in intellectual propensity, they are NIL. Ignorance, lack of reasoning power and boorishness is common among them

African people were in Europe in the Middle Ages in high ranking positions. They were called Moors. The most advanced part of Europe was Spain which was ruled by the Moors for 700 years.

Let’s look at some primary sources so as to prove what I’m saying:-

[B]Herald of a Black emperor. Germany 14th Century

Portrait of a Moorish Lady-Florence 14th Century


Portrait of a Moor 1525 AD


[B]Alessandro de Medici the Duke of Florence (present day Italy)-1510-1537 AD

Saint Maurice

[B]Moorish Knight (soldier)


[B]Statue of a Moor-Shaffhausen, Switzerland

Portrait of a Moor in a turban-1640 AD

[B]Our Lady of Anjoy, France-(portrait of Mary mother of Jesus)

[B]Miguel Castro, Ambassador of the Kongo Kingdom in the Netherlands 1643

Then how did slave trade / slavery happen?

Yep.They dug few feet deep in Mexico they found Mexican remains, they went deeper, they found red indians. They went further deep and they found remains of African DNA . So in 10th century, what were Africans doing in North America?

Africans were rulers and conquerors just that they were pushed to corners and some captured as slaves in America not that all were brought from Africa as they say in books.

Read my comments above

Good to know African history but why did we regress? Did we fail to pick what was best from the whiteman and leave the rest and merge the good with our strong culture? Individualism messed us big time

I can bet it was greed and nepotism that did us in,…still is the thorn in the heel.we’ve never had great armies from africa conquering the world whereas every european country produced an army to reckon with even if some lasted a few years

The European age of exploration -including colonization, slave trade, genocide and exploitation -started in 1492 after the defeat of the Moors in Spain.

If you have time please read about the Reconquista. The Spanish celebrate the defeat of Africans to this very day.

Alafu please listen very carefully to this video. It’s a movie starring Dennis Hopper.

Imagine what would happen if all african nation form one strong body just like European Union not toothless AU? But we have deep underlying problems as you mentioned

I can bet those Africans were not Kenyans… sisi tulikuwa nyuma kama kisigino or kisogo

What movie is this. What’s the name of movie please

Africans had education, were rulers…then slavery, then racial segregation happened. Whose sh*t hit the fan, or wheel at the time? Being brown, or red, or yellowish acquired a meaning.

It’s a scene from a movie called “True Romance” starring Dennis Hopper.

I keep telling people that the inhabitants of the middle East in biblical times were black people but they don’t believe me. They would rather believe the white man who lies at every opportunity he gets.
Solomon Moses Abraham Jesus were all black men.
Somebody famous said - Jews went into Europe black and returned white

I had this debate last here hapa when I posted a fossil of a black nigga with blue eyes and dark skinned discovered last year in UK and he was believed to have been there even before civilization. Watu walinikashifu sana. Point is: blacks should believe in themselves and get off this inferiority complexes that we can’t do anything . We were once rulers , conquerors and owners of the world . In short Jesus was black with blue eyes .period

@screwplus We Wuz Kangz

Kihii, these are alt-right “buzzwords”

Kindly if your objective is to derail this thread with white supremacist nonsense, please keep away.

Don’t go down that wormhole, thank you.

Please stop…this as you have clearly stated is celebrated by them…so si kitu hidden you are doing the we wa kung shit and making it look like its their fault your people aren’t teaching your history properly…so all this to me is whining cuz in the end Africans still exist in 2k18 and hamja change …EAC is a problem expect the continent to thrive as a unit how?

Screwplus, hii 2k17 2k18 watu wanashinda wakisema inamaanisha nini? Najua ni mwaka lakini 2k ndio inamaanisha nini? Any chance it’s related to the NBA?

Thank you for your contribution. Have a nice day.

Yep the nba game by 2k games kinda hyped this shit … https://www.nba2k.com/ plus its the states niggas play ball and the guy behind this branding was on point with the name pick …fan fact it later wrecked NBA live by EA the only franchise threat to ever succeed dislodging EA from a sports genre grip even PRO all these years has never done this shit…I even have NBA live free on EA access but play NBA 2k15(derrick rose be the nigga still)