History - The Kenya Police KWEKWE Squad

The Kwekwe Squad was the most notorious covert Kenya Police unit to ever have been formed in Kenya.
In its heyday, the crack squad was said to have been as good as other deadly units of its kind in other countries.

Before disbandment, the squad left behind a legacy of murders, missing millions of shillings, scared businessmen, intimidated police officers, maimed suspects and lingering questions about hundreds of men who turned up dead after crossing the paths of the dreaded unit.
Before the unit was turned into an unofficial “cleaner squad”, its members had been involved in responding to the Mungiki menace — a task they took on with uncommon zeal.

To the victims of the Mungiki sect, Kwekwe officers were legendary heroes.
To those they targeted, the Kwekwe’s were not only dishonourable members of the police force who should never have been law enforcement officers but a fearsome unit that executed its mandate ruthlessly.

For instance, investigations by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) connected Kwekwe Squad to almost 500 bodies deposited in various mortuaries around the country by the police between June and October 2007. Their victims included a police officer and two soldiers.

Between July 2002 and September 2008, the Oscar Foundation — an NGO — documented over 8,000 forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and extra-judicial executions, all linked to the squad.
The NGO’s founder, Oscar King’ara, and his associate, Paul Oulu, were themselves executed less than a kilometre from State House in broad daylight.
The gunmen were suspected to be Kwekwe Squad members.


However, it is not the high numbers that shocked most but the manner in which the suspects met their death. Many of them were bludgeoned, mutilated or drowned.
Later on, members of the squad are said to have been tasked with hunting down terror suspects and hard-core criminals.
But when their brand of rough justice was no longer seen as useful or desirable, the squad’s spectacular fall from grace started.


One of them was to be charged with murder and sentenced to hang; others were suspended from the police force and left disgraced; the majority have died in mysterious circumstances and their deaths have never been investigated.
The real names of the squad’s officers and their exact number has never been officially known.

However, investigations point to a unit of between 10 to 12 officers many of whom were only known by their nicknames.
Those involved in its formation or who were part of it include

  • Dickson Munene Mwangi
  • Zebedeo Maina
  • John Kariuki
  • John Gitahi
  • Bernard Kiriinya
  • Reche Nyagah
  • Richard Katola
  • John Njoroge
  • Kimatu Kyule Kisoloki.
    The others were identified by their nicknames:-
    Kimang’a , Mainye , Muthee , Foiyo/Boiyo , Tyson and Lang’at.


On August 3, 2013, the unit’s head, Chief Inspector Zebedeo Maina, was shot dead in Kitui Town where he was with a group of detectives allegedly pursuing kidnappers.
At least two of Maina’s drivers died in mysterious circumstances while another, Constable Justus Wendot, is in prison facing murder charges.
He is accused of killing Maina.
Wendot, who is out on bail, has denied killing his boss, claiming he is the victim of a cover-up.

In early 2015, Kisoloki turned his gun on himself in his house in Dadaab, where he was the director of criminal investigations.
According to an Incidence Report prepared by Inspector James Kagwai, Kisoloki shot himself in the head using a Ceska pistol.

In April 2008, Sergeant Gitahi was shot during an operation against Mungiki in Banana, Kiambu.
Although it is claimed that he was accidentally shot by his colleagues, investigations suggest that the allegation might be far from the truth.
Against protocol and procedure, his death was not recorded at the local police station, making it impossible to open an investigation file as required by law.
Gitahi’s wife, who had vowed to follow up on his killing, was found dead a year later under unclear circumstances.

In October the same year, Kiriinya — who had served as Maina’s official driver — was gunned down my members of Kwekwe outside Sarit Centre.
He had betrayed his former colleagues by spilling the beans on their activities.
After his death, his colleague, Chief Inspector John Kariuki, survived two attempts to poison him.
However in 2011, after enjoying a meal at his house in Buru Buru, he bid his family goodnight and went to sleep, never to wake up again.

The same year, Reche Nyagah, who had served as Head of the Flying Squad and was known to be fit as a fiddle suddenly developed liver complications.
The teetotaller died while undergoing treatment.

Similarly, in 2011, Katola was rushed to hospital by his family who claimed that he had been poisoned.
He suffered a stroke and remained in hospital until his death last year.

After a public outcry in November 2009, the then minister of State for Provincial Administration and Internal Security, Prof George Saitoti, told Parliament that the Kwekwe Squad had been disbanded.

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Refreshing read.

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Seroney still speaks of how knowing too much in the police force is not good for your health

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There were several others …

“Spider” was composed mainly of undercover Female officers with small arms that was unleashed in Ngong to curb increasing cases of Rape and Assault on females …
In a few deadly months , their work was done and they were disbanded…

QRU ( Quick Response Unit ) was a strong arm unit under the control of the 2 foreign “Mamluki” that had official blessing to harass anyone getting nosey about their activities…
They provided cover for various “business” ventures that the Artur Brothers , Wamboi and Wangui were involved in …
They were provided with “All Areas Passes” for All Kenyan Airports…
It was disbanded after they were deported in 2007.

The Artur Brothers ( Mamluki ):

They now hang out in Dubai and are visited regularly by the Second First Daughter , Winnie Wangui Mwai .

“…My fellow Kenyans , I have only one Wife …”

It’s time to let sleeping Dogs lie …:blush::joy:

Special Units end up being used as Political tools by those in power. Wanakwa kama youthwing ya the ruling Party.
Wastage of special skills.

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Really depends on the caliber and professionalism of the officers …

I know of one case they were ordered to hit a political target …

He received an anonymous call prior to the event suggesting that it might be a good time for him to take a quick short vacation in a neighboring State … which he promptly did …

The officers then reported back to the “puppet master” that the target had vanished and over time , the intention waned …

3 weeks is a long time in Kenyan Politics …:blush:


Are they the same ones who did this?

Kimendero’s era was a brutal period for Mount Kenya’s youth.

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It was personal …
Mungiki operatives went to his Farm , destroyed a Farmhouse and killed many of his Grade Milk Cows …
The fellow went ballistic …
“…When you rattle a Snake…” :joy:

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