Would you in your sound mind participate in such?
Would you in your sound mind participate in such?
This has to be one of the gayest thing I’ve seen. Kwani hiyo hike ni ndume tu ndio zimejaa huko ama ni camera man ndio was solely focusing on men??
I used to think some creepy stuff are meant for the whites but clearly I was wrong
Wacha kuenda mbali, hapa kijijini kuna tag team ya Mashoga ikiongozwa na Mapipa himuselfu @uwesmake akifuatwa na masenge kama @Eng’iti @Demakuvu @Thirimaii na wengineo staki kutaja majina saa hii.
Toa msito @Eng’iti na @Demakuvu from that list na uongeze @Nyamgondho na @Motokubwa
gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thread
How exactly did you land on this photos?
:D:D:D:D:D nmecheki @cortedivoire na muffin ya yellow yenye aliibia mwende wa SJ after kumlamba mcunyi na kulipa 150/= :meffi::meffi::meffi::meffi:
Huwezi sema nitolewe,just the other day nilikuwa nauliza kama your daughter amebaleghe.
So you think am gaay…isorait
:Dhehehe hapa kina @MajorProphet ni furaha tele
Contaminant idea. I am sure the white European is the inventor of that civilized idea as usual then the black ass noded in unison coz everything that comes from the melanin deficiency pigs is always correct.
Russia wakaze nuts, China & North Korea waamke pia.
@The guy …whyyyyy!!!
As long as they’re big and soft I see no issue
Umesahau @MTINGIZA KITANDA!!! @ChifuMbitika @cheekbusta …Manure specialists
@Thirimaii na @Douchebag Wasalimiane sasa.
Ha ha ha ukikoma begging dicks kama unavyo beg kutolewa kwa list ndio mambo yako tunaweza ona kando.
Hapo kwa @Nyamgondho nakubali :D:D:D:D
I asked for button to bomoa,i wanted yours but nilisikia wewe na tissue hamjuani…am sorry I have to strike you off my list