Juzi I went to my pals wines and spirits shop in Imara daima. Interestingly he was selling a brand of gin from South Africa which is infused with bangi. This product is actually certified and even ha s the kebs and kra stickers. Got me wondering, how can the government make it illegal to smoke or be found in possession of weed but its perfectly OK to drink it?
Did you take it? How bad is it perhaps?
South Africa sio Kenya
Shida yako ni nini? Wacha omwami anukishe kitunguu
Didn’t take it. A 750ml bottle is ksh7k. Just curious to know if any talker has sampled it.
Sina shida kabsaa. Was just amazed that that shit is legal.
Bangi infused in Gin cant cost 7k.
Depends. There’s a difference between CBD infused, which is technically legal because hemp is not illegal, and THC infused which is illegal.
Funza ngumbaro Kijijini…hemp no high man
Technically hemp has less than 0.3% THC by dry weight - not enough to give you a high.
I guess it’s like trying gin and juice, coz hemp gives you no high.
Ata mbicha, ata sketch ama jina ya brand basi.
Inaitangwa ushenzi…cannabis sativa…one of a few GODs select plants…is semi-banned semi-allowed … Iwe huru…
hemp ndio nini elders ni kama mumenipoteza
Trick iko hapo kwa “hemp”…
Nimeona hio monks too… Will try it
Hii ndio bei my fre
Nimetry kupost video naambiwa sijui hakuna memory kwa server
Hemp gives a serious high. The last time I ate weed cookies karibu ni chome picha job.
Wee unajua hemp kweli ?
I’ve seen a few products like that popping up lately. It’s interesting how the regulations work—sometimes they make exceptions for certain products when they’re processed in a specific way or have lower THC levels. It seems a bit inconsistent, but maybe it’s a way to control how much and in what form it’s consumed.