Hello people bought a new tv that has not the normal audio jack na I would want to connect with a sayina woofer kindly help on what cable or device I should get. It just has the normal red white holes za kuconnect na DVD or home theatre. How do I go about it
Buy av audio to jack. But most woofers have av also
What you mean bro?
The black part has no port to go into kwa tv
na kwa woofer?
but try and check Jumia/online if there is a cable that can go into the Tv na kwa woofer.
Kukona usb to 3.5 mm jack… just jumia it
Uko sure ulinunua TV ama kioo ya bathroom?
Acha za ovyo ni tv actually Samsung smart tv I think zimeundwa tu vimodern wanaassume kila msee akibuy ako na machine ya kuconnect via HDMI hadi hazina shimo ya audio jack
Try pairing the tv and speakers via Bluetooth.
Ama utafuta cable ingine yenye iko red, yellow na white output on both sides.
The tv has no Bluetooth and the red yellow and white cables already tried na imekataa
or piga picha connections za tv na za speaker ndio watu wakue na clear picture.
Kweni umenunua tv gani? A Samsung tv with no Bluetooth in 2021?
Tafuta RCA to HDMI converter. Hii hauwezi kosa Luthuli. It should look like this.
ghaseer shifo futwa administration
I will do that Kijiji and report back
The guy is saying that the TV doesnt have audio output
It’s actually [SIZE=7]Samsung UA43T5300AUXKE 43" LED TV, Smart[/SIZE]