Heavy Floods In Ahero. Nikama Indian Ocean Na Lake Victoria Zitashikana Pretty Soon

Nikubaya wazeiya karibu Kenya nzima iko na floods. Jana Mombasa Road areas za Kitengela was flooded. Laikipia pia ninkunoma, same with many parts of Kiambu.

Noma. Imagine owner of that new Isuzu truck? Insurance itaruka na bank bado inadai loan repayment

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Bonobo ni bonobo tu. Take our resident umbwer koko @rexxsimba as an example. Instead of fighting for his people in nyakach he is busy promoting a white senile dude to us. With bullets and bold fonts and emoji.


Doctors or engineers, wote ni victims of Western propaganda and brainwashing

Nikama every river is breaking it’s banks.

Kwanza hizo emoji ni kama zile za pubescent girls. No medic can be that idle and shallow

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