[ATTACH=full]12527[/ATTACH] yaani this guys can go to extreme levels just to get handouts. Ata kama its being desperate in life, ingine is just embarrassing to humanity
Vindio enda utafute huko kwa ndrama>>》
I wish ingeakukia hii watu then we blame serikali
Could this be the effects of calling for @Bhangi Iwe Huru ?
Maybe ni paratroopers
Noooo. No. Apana. Its not embarassing to humanity. Its embarassing to the people from that region and their politicians…poss usiniwekeko kwa hiyo kroup ya wannabe marine paratroopers.
This is what they have been reduced to by politicians. A country perennially waiting for handouts. And when I post a pic of the Lord of Poverty here, these mods promptly remove it like they are on his payroll. Grow up.
Youth in Saboti Constituency in Trans Nzoia County escaped death yesterday when they chased after a politician’s chopper and hang onto it as it was taking off.
The helicopter belonged to Caleb Hamisi who had visited the area to marshal support for his bid to vie for the Saboti parliamentary seat in 2017.
The hopeful MP had allegedly promised the youth Sh100,000, which he failed to dish out, prompting the youth to dash for his chopper.
Three people were injured as they fell from the chopper’s landing rails, as it gained altitude.
One man sustained serious injuries while two others were left bruised.
The news said that the wannabe paratroopers did not get part of the Sh 100K the wannabe mpig gave out. they wanted him to dish out more… Who is telling the truth? You or the reporters?
Come to think of it,are you a reporter,okay not to bruise ya ego,are you a journalist?
Oh no, let’s not blame this on ignorance, people’s greed, stupidity, the pilot’s decision to take off while surrounded by people or Hamisi’s decision to show up without any kind of security to handle the situation. No, obviously this is the fault of a plant.
Chokosh uwesmakes brother was among these luhya hengri tigers. Sad
Hii ni shida ya kuona movies mob wasee wanajiona masuperstars
This shows you how our politicians are a microcosm of the society. Kenya is full of idiots.
they wanter to feel the whats like to ride in a choppa
It’s handout mentality as a result of exposure to poverty.
This scene just reminded me of that Movie world war Z- if those guys wangekuwa kama kumi hivi. that chopper ingerudi tu chini and that would be another sad story. Njaa ni kitu mbaya sana! Everykind of njaa i tell you! Even the one your thinking about ni mbaya zaidi!
These are the people that “always” have time to queue and vote for politicians and their judgement is warped “alitupatia 50/- ile siku lazima nimpe kura yangu”