Wadau kiulizo kidogo hapa unawekelea aje uzito ukitumia hii njia handicap
Trend/average of how many strokes you play either under or over par
Hehehehe… asante lkn hapa ndio umenipoteza zaidi zile strokes najua niza mjulubeng ikiwa kwenye harakati ya kufikisha threshold
The higher the handicap, the lower the ranking. A handicap 10 player is better than a handicap 28 one.
When playing a standard 18 hole course, a very good player is supposed to use 72 strokes. When you consistently exceed 72 strokes, you have a handicap equivalent to the number of strokes above 72. @amun a player with 0 or lower handicap is called a scratch golfer. He doesn’t have any handicap.
Okay how about in soccer pale kwa muhindi
Sijui. Never had of handicap in soccer. Let’s wait for an enlightened soul to educate us.
It could also be a betting term.
Sijui. Never had of handicap in soccer. Let’s wait for an enlightened soul to educate us.
It could also be a betting term.
Handicap si ni kilema…so anapewa mbao
Getting your point can you explain further
Handicap kwa foota ni kama kuipa team moja mabao, before the start of the match… Sasa its for you to predict what the outcome will be based on your selection
Ukiamua mechi to start with an away advantage of 2 goals up then say Home team to win, (ie by selecting 1 (Home -2) ) means that game kwako inaanza 0-2 and by full time game inafaa kuisha at least 3-0, ndio ushinde game; for it to look like the game ended 3-2
X (Home -2) - The game has to end strictly at 2-0, any more or less will be deemed a loss.
Wakugimira? Niwanyita? Nunyitie? Comprende? Entendido? Verstanden?
Asande, learnt something new. Jinsi ingine ya kulamuliwa bila mafuta kwa betting table.
All handicaps work the same , regardless of sport. It’s just a way of evening out the playing field to ensure that ‘advantaged’ players can compete with less advantaged and still have a shot at a win
I believe there are + handicaps for players better than scratch. The best amateurs in are usually +2 to +4 range.
A scratch player has no handicap. When you are a 0 handicap or better, you average par for all 18 holes. Talking of a scratch player with a handicap is an oxymoron.
You are right but in the British System. In the American system, there are + handicaps. In the British system, a 0 handicapper shoots par. In the American system, a 0 handicapper shoots par 1 out of every 3 to 4 rounds- that is they average 2 to 4 over per round.
Yes that’s correct, if you are consistently playing under you will get a +handicap
But I believe @Kigui was talking about playing of scratch
Anapewa mbao akajenge nazo au akazipasue?
I don’t know a lot about US golfing terms. However most of the world tries to follow the US golfing rules because they rule the roost. All the same, my understanding of a scratch golfer remains that he or she has zero handicap. I understand that rules will change from next year so that the handicap system will measure the potential rather than the ability of a player.