What are the habits if you changed , you would definitely b better…For me I came to realize tend to get really blunt( brought up like that) and it comes across not nice sometimes with people i meet …
Being a control freak sometimes,n procrastination is another habit…so when I do things last minute I get such a rush
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[li]micro managing stuff that I need get done[/li][li]Overshooting budgets especially when out with friends[/li][li]Giving people too much benefit of doubt, always end up losing in the end[/li][/ul]
I would go crazy if someone micro managed me :mad::mad: like my new boss is trying to …this can make me quit very fast
You can leave with ennuff money so not to misuse
My level of tolerance is quite low, so I easily snap out
When in church, meetings or even in class and it takes more than two hours I tend to be absent-minded and that has caused me a lot
i. I cannot sit in a meeting, any meeting, for more than two hours. And no, I ain’t changing this.
ii. Attention to detail. I’ve learnt to delegate over time though I always insist on high standards that I don’t compromise over. Not changing this either.
iii. I’m not a diplomat by any stretch of imagination. I tell it like it is and consequences be damned.
Addictions to internet and social networking sites when idle… But when Busy it can take weeks to even open my browser… How comes no one here is talking of drinking or smocking? The number one problem afflicting most of the youth in Kenya?