Watu watapiga kalesa
Kanairo shida tupu!
Wacha sadaam husein achape kazi
Ni gari gani hizo which use Langata Rd, Ngong Rd or Arwings Kodhek Rd to Kikuyu?
To Kikuyu, Ngong, Kawangware… Múltiple routes
Kikuyu, wangige, westlands and all wanafaa kuundiwa stage pale UoN kwa hiyo shrine ya popee
Reading & Compréhension muhimu. How is Kikuyu route affected while there are no Kikuyu bound vehicles that ply on the said roads?
Actually, scrap that…there’s route 102.
We actuallly have some matatus that use that ngong’, kawangware, thogoto, Gikambura(KIKUYU) route
Nairobi Integrated Urban Development Master Plan
More like [/SIZE][SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]NIUDE[/SIZE][SIZE=6] Master Plan[/SIZE]
These terminals should not be in the CBD. They shoud be around City Stadium, Ngara, Museum Hill, Hurlingham and Nyayo stadium. Then have buses shuttle people to those areas round the clock from the CBD.
Nairobi would have invested in underground pedestrian walks to channell foot traffic from the stages outside CBD to non-motorised sections of the CBD. the tunnels would have multiple entry and exit points, and withing would be biasharas that would interest above street hawkers. Then these green parks muthurwas globe UoN etc would be more viable. The alternative is footbridges but these would make CBD more jungle like. dorobo out.
Hizo matatu zinakuwa cleared to make way for BRT aka mathogothanio bus which will ply through sibidi. Matatu tamaliswa gapsaa!
An underground pedestrian walk wouldn’t work in Nairobi.
Developed countries like the USA abandoned underground pedestrian walks because they were overrun by homeless and muggers.
Hapa Nairobi itakuwa worse.
You start going underground. your costs rise to astronomical highs.
People will have to pay for two buses to get to CBD making the CBD too expensive. it will die a natural death
City can pay. For the sake of congestion. That will force them to build a light rail. Overall the city is poorly designed. Or rather beat it’s capacity.
I dont think they can afford to pay for us. the buses are going to be expensive and I expect the managers to steal fuel and supplies.
They should have put money in other towns. Nairobi is too full