Someone please explain to me like a two year toddler what the fuck is going on in greece. Read sometimes online that greece built magnificient stadiums to host i think the 2004 olympic games and ever since the stadiums have never been utilised again. Last week i read that people are rushing to withdraw huge sums from banks. And why is germany so interested in the matters of greece and the role of eu,imf and world bank…
Might you be having so deposits thea ?? kimbia utoea
Greece was given a loan by the e.u after the recession but it had to apply some austerity measures, the new gov. won’t implement the same and they have defaulted on the said loan…my 2 cents
The fact is that you will never make money hosting the olympics or world cup. Every country that has ever done so usually doesnt turn a profit with very very few exceptions.
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Greece has very loose financial rules and all kind of stuff go on in their financial markets including large scale con games. All unscrupulous finance firms operate from there and I guess they are preventing the country from reforming.
And to think of how countries jostle and pull all manner of tricks to get the right to host these events. Makes no sense
Greece is a bad spender and it borrows from the EU. Germany is the richest country in the EU so they feel a pinch when they are forced to loan Greece cash and Greece to use it unwisely