Comprehensive 3 hr documentary about bonoboz that build the pyramids and not just in Egypt, for @Ndindu to watch and realign his current attitude towards “bonoboz”
@Abba is on the way. If the documentary wasn’t produced by CNN or the Guardian then I am sorry @Abba will not watch it. He will simply say that it is a QAnon conspiracy theory to steal victory from the thief Biden.
As we speak @Abba has not left CNN since last year. He wakes and sleeps while watching CNN where he is told how Trump is evil. He is a very brainwashed bonobo. Even going to the toilet is a problem because he is afraid he might miss something on CNN.
This documentary is made for fools that believe sh!t like that.
You need to take some time and watch it.
Ghasia go change that stinking pampers Shoga mzee.
@Wanaruona there is no need for sideshows. We already know that you and @kanguthu have been an item for a long time. What else would you like us know?
Toa uvundo Kwa kijiji foolish faggot. Mkundu bila brake.[ATTACH=full]342569[/ATTACH]