Grade 1 pupil collapses and dies in school, family demands answers

The boy from a school in Kiambu collapsed during a cross country event in the school.

The parents should be arrested for making the boy obese


Eddie Murphy GIF by Coming to America

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Cross country ya kwanza nilienda nikiwa high school, na ilikuwa ya watu wa rugby, nilifanya kuwafuata kwa hiari yangu.

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im not saying ni diet ya chipo, kfc and other trash foods…buut

Primo kids wanaenda cross country ya nini. We started in high school kukimbia karibu 5 KM first weekend of the term.


Hated hizo events nikiwa shule 50m nimehema kama punda imejaa mizigo kwa mlima,once again bonobos schools aren’t fit for human occupation.

Mtoto analazimishwa kukimbia kuvunja rekodi ya Kipchoge


Hii ni baby fat which some people shed it later on like in puberty unakutana na msee pure muscle or fit even slim in high school yet the other day in primary alikuwa kanono.

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Learn to unfatten mzee.

Male Teens are high on testesterone. They need high energy activities to build their masculinity and allphahood.

Tizi ni lazima kwa teenagers


Class one ndio unaita teenager?

Pia wewe umejazA mafta kwa abdomen kama @Bingwa_Scrotum :rofl::rofl::poop::poop:


Children huwa active sana, more than adults and teenagers. Let’s not pin this issue on exercise. The child might have hard medical conditions.

A class one kid can play football the whole day. Wewe na fatty stomach won’t last 5 minutes.


90 kgs of pure blubber lakini I’m working kukata kilo.


Utashed aje izo mafta na huezi Kimbia 5meters?

Niko sure ni jina tu.

kuna wengine are not as active. I have a neigbor who is very proud telling me his son hapendi kutoka nje. He prefers watching TV and Youtube , PS in the house. Kwa that same neigborhood we have a kids’ football team wanakutananga kila sato na during school holidays mara tatu kwa wiki. Most of us with boys have enrolled our sons. Wake hushinda kwa nyumba akiletwa na basi ya shule friday hatatoka hadi monday akirudi shule. Some kids are not that active.

Hiyo ilikuwa primary.

Huyo kijana Ako na shida gani,our days kuambiwa hakuna kutoka kucheza ilikuwa depression instant if I had a kid I expect atoke arudi akiwa mchafu and worn out.


Hata kipshoge alishindwa kumaliza race in the just ended Olympics

The kid may be an introvert but he still needs to find an activity to keep him active. Hata kama ni kunyonga monkey. Being inactive for long periods of time is the fastest way to die early