And before he yaps about being unable to repair the roads due to the current heavy rains, let him be reminded that all the shoddy repair work that he did before the rains was just a total waste of taxpayers money.
Jubilee development.
The famous/infamous Taj Mall interchange.
A project designed by Chinese and Kenyan Engineers ended with something like this.
People get leaders they deserve! Sisi watu wa 4*4 hatuna shida! Let the idiots who voted for him reap what they sow.
I read somwhere a talker say that Sonko has done more than kidero. I agree, more damage at the same cost.
I always questioned if the tarmac was as per the standards. Looked as compacted , tinted raw githeri. Engineers wa k-talk watupatie press statement on their findings.
Haha…izi ndizo barabara zenye spear alikuwa anapost ?
Actually talkers questioned the standards of these roads still in this forum two or so months ago. Dig deeper
Kuna ingine ya hapo Mama Lucy ilifungwa for one month. The changes were very minimal after the road was reopened save for the drainage channel which was improved.
Are u guys aware that sonko hata hajapokea mgao wa kwanza…this dude has done the little he has done using revenues…na akipewa 50b…???watu wa kidero kaeni kando, Nairobi will change to its best…
KURA are a very incompetent parastatal. That Taj mall should have been demolished so we can get a better interchange.
wapi @spear utaumbie dawa ni nini?
But with all due respect Nairobi residents need to realize that the county system is dead. Moi killed it mamy years ago. wale tuko nje ya Nairobi we learnt to survive without municipal or national support. Kama ni stima mnashikana mnajiwekea. Kama ni maji mnashikana mnachimba borehole. Kana bi barabara hivo hivo.
Hii mambo ya watu wa buruburu kuita kanjo ati itengeneze drains… that kind of assistance ended in 1978 with Jomo Kenyatta. You are now on your own. until maybe we get another kibaki who gave just an ounce of a fuck about ordinary mwananchi. Huyu kijana wa saa hii ni kushinda tu akiomba apologies kila siku na kiti imemlemea.
What about revenues kanjo collect? Na si kidogo.
Revenues kanjo alive…kulipa mishahara NAD other things…huyu jamaa alipata backlog ya over 5months in unpaid arrears, he cleared it na collections… Ubaya ni at I hakuli…ameendea AAR kurenew medical cover ,but not through agents, hiyo ndiyo vita yenye anaundwa…guys lost over 1b
Hata hivo sote tunaumia…hapo south c kuna kiprado niliona mwenyewe amecheki maji mbele yake akapiga u turn
Badala kufanya shoddy repairs, awache tu. Shenzi yeye. Kazi ni kuoperate a squad of goons and being an attention seeking zealot.
Akishindwa kazi, aresign. Its about time
a politician is not something good everybody want to be pleased.let governor sonko do whatever he can he has tried his best actually since since when it is raining the previous government hasnt done any action let support governor Sonko in all means .WE CHOOSE HIM LET GIVE HIM TYM
Gava imedelay sana kuwapa funds? It’s more than six months now.
The government is flat broke and the CS reported that fact before being forced to withdraw the statement 24 hours later.
@spear googling for answers…
there was an American president called FDR and he single handedly and with clear vision pulled America from near desertification by starting an army of tree planters that planted hundred of millions of trees spanning the breadth of America. He also oversaw the construction of massive cannals in Florida to drain the state and deal completely with flooding na alikuwa kiwete. Kwani leaders like these waliisha duniani?