I didn’t even know there was a web by name kahawatungu. Com, but who cares i love to live dangerously. Anyway government was much concerned about shutting it down to an extent of getting external expertise (i wonder if likes of @ electronics 4 u and likes of @Female Perspective wouldn’t figure out ). And again taking down a corruption fighting website is lame. Link https://www.wikileaks.org/hackingteam/emails/?q=kensi.org
why didn’t they just hire anonymous chini ya maji and pay them
That was just an example given. The article was about NIS ability to shut down websites and blogs they deem as security risks and collect data on individuals they are monitoring.
Sasa kahawatungu ndio gani? Never heard of it
The site is controlled by Alai
Robert Alai
enyewe hii serikali iko na michezo… yaani Alai is such an headache they hire hackers to take his website down? this means that key government can be hacked and the government wont have the capability to investigate? and how are they to monitor hate speech online n tackle cybercrime?
Even when kahawatungu spins articles that target the government, they can’t take him to court since it can’t be directly linked to him. He just behaves like he’s a huge fan of the site retweeting it’s every post. Retweets are not endorsments
Old guys who only discovered to use Microsoft office another day never have idea of what hacking is. You can pull down government website and they will go for the guy who tweets and Facebooks alot. This is kenya.
And if you dare apply for the position you end up being investigated
Now the government may start snooping on our phones and all communications. Tor, vpn and discipline will be handy.
NIS has been exposed badly. I can’t believe they are so incompetent.