[SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]Hello again, I felt I had to share this, this would most likely relate to someone here.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]It happens to all of us. When things are not going right, especially when we think we have done all that God wants us to, and people are being hurt, the natural thing to do is to turn to God and ask “Why?” It is a common response or frustration. It hits Christians and non-Christians alike. In fact, even atheists seem to want to blame the God whose existence they deny. Especially those who have walked this Christian path long enough to know it is no walk in the park, you would assume that keeping and enduring the faith till the day you die would be an easy task since you are on God’s team, but no, it’s somewhat a relationship just like any other, with the ups and downs, the moments of falling into sin, the questioning of God, and even sometimes not wanting to live anymore. The greats all went through that; John the Baptist, Elijah, David, Moses, and Job. Where many of these questioned God and asked Him some unusual questions. It’s an automatic response that we point fingers at God when things get messy and also a common reaction as humans. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]Moses of all people once bitterly told God in [B][Numbers 11:15][/B] If this is how you intend to treat me, just go ahead and kill me. Do me a favor and spare me this misery!” Not only does he ask “why?” but also he accuses God of bringing harm to the children of Israel. And then he makes the issue about him when he further asks, “Why did you ever think of sending me?” Moses was actually challenging God’s selection of His choice as to who would do His work or how it was to be done.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]Brothers and sisters in the faith, we ought to know that the moment you become born again is the moment real spiritual warfare begins, as Satan immediately puts a bulls-eye on your back because you are a direct threat to his government, after all, he knows that he cannot snatch you away from the Lamb’s arms [John 10:28], so he will do everything he can to disrupt your faith. He knows your weaknesses and disadvantages and will make you play into them to get you rattled, shaken up, and suffocate your relationship with God. You’ll start finding out that your prayer life has come close to non-existent, which is what he wants. After all, Paul gave us a heads up and basically told us in [I][B][1 Peter 1:7][/B][/I] that our faith will be tried as gold is purified through fire, so keep the faith and acknowledge God all the time. It will be alright, God bless you all. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]When Christ told us that in this life we would have trouble and to take heart, he wan’t bluffing, He really meant it. So it is my prayer that we can all learn from Moses’ mistakes and be strengthened by God’s undying love for us and His willingness to forgive and overlook our failing eyesight and memory. It is fine that we pour out of heart to God as Moses did, but we must never forget God’s promises and His exact words. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]May the good Lord be with you and your families, Amen.[/FONT][/SIZE]

This is why…

I’ve thought a lot about John the Baptist in particular. He was the cousin of Jesus and the forerunner of our Lord. I reckon that when John was rebuking Herod Antipas and Herodias for their adultery, he figured Jesus would miraculously save him from punishment. Even though he had earlier prophesied that he “must decrease so that He can increase,” John probably never imagined such a brutal death in the hands of a prostitute no less! That’s why one must really believe in the perfect will of God. I can picture John in prison, did you know that he asked emissaries to go ask Jesus whether He was truly the Messiah? That’s how dejected he felt, but there was a greater purpose to all his (and our) suffering!!

There’s a songwriter who sang:

Must I be carried to the skies
On flowery beds of ease,
While others fought to win the prize
And sailed through bloody seas?

There’s a price to pay and a cost to bear when you choose to follow the Cross.


The Christian God is a Pus.sy

These sermons are great.
for always taking the time to administer the word. On behalf of our brethrens, thanks

In this world you will have tribulations, but be cheerful, I have overcome the world!
John 16:33 kjv

Low blow man,low blow