Goat Keeping

I am looking to rear goats on a five acre peace of land near gilgil. Anyone who has done this before? or has details/info on where to buy goats, which breeds, maximum number I can keep on the piece of land, prerequisites, profit margins, markets etc etc…or even better refer me somewhere? In short, I am asking if it’s viable…


Thanks, I was following seeds of gold and somehow lost track because there was a lot of info that I couldn’t process. The way I see it I have to visit a farm somewhere and get to see how things get done before starting up.

Since that is a dry area get the dorpers and the senges as they will adapt well.

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Be watching shamba shape up every saturday afternoon on citizen tv…you will get alot of insight on farming!

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past Kisamese past Ole polos used to get them on the cheap whenever there was a big event or bash, they get cheaper as schools near their re-opening dates.

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Or start blindly and call the shamba shape up guys to sort your mess.


@Mkufuu you got land there?, how much did it cost you to buy it?

Ask wankameat, he is a goat himself so he should know.


I didn’t buy this land, I only have access to it and has not been used for any kind of activity. I however hope to buy land in this area in the future and I will keep you posted on the prices.


Yeah…Ndoba is the local name ‘christened’ by masaais who didnt know English.:smiley:
Dorper is the actual english name as clarified by a recent thread.
see Dorper - Wikipedia

Fafanua whether you want dairy goats ama kienyeji tu za nyama.

Kwa wakati huu naonelea nifuge mbuzi wa nyama. I think dairy goats will require more labour and more resources. Have you reared these ones before?

I have the same dream of starting such one day and i would advise you to go on youtube and search for goat rearing. There is endless info. starting from Mkulima young,kilimo Biashara to goat rearing in India,Uganda,South Africa etc. and its all detailed info - documentaries.

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I’d say have it fenced, build a mabati house and a shed from for the goats, sub-divide it into half-acre strips or so. Have them grazed on each strip for a few days then the next.

Is dorper a goat or a sheep breed? Asking for a friend…[ATTACH=full]9387[/ATTACH]

Nice idea.

I thought you were looking to rear dairy goats I could have shared some info n true they require close supervision n resources but they are a good money minting venture. Ukitaka za nyama changanya “ndoba” n goats. Usiweke sheep kienyeji cos hazinunuliwangi poa sana.

I thought you were looking to rear dairy goats I could have shared some info n true they require close supervision n resources but they are a good money minting venture. Ukitaka za nyama changanya “ndoba” n goats. Usiweke sheep kienyeji cos hazinunuliwangi poa sana.