Zangu ni mingi pengine niandike kitabu but nitaje tuu moja mbili bcz of time. I’ve been healed by God with out even asking or thinking of it, a condition that has no known medical cure. A woman of God an evangelist came to me and told me that the Lord showed her my condition and sent her to pray for me. I was healed.
I got home from work at night. Suddenly I felt deathly ill, I couldn’t even stand or climb the stairs. I lay down on my sofa and said my final prayers. Lord receive my soul into your eternal presence. I blacked out shortly after and in the morning I woke up and was perfectly OK. It was a case of food poisoning at work canteen that sent others into admission in hospital due to the severity of the poisoning.
I have no doubt that God heals and nothing is impossible to God. Not AIDS or these other incurable diseases. I know a few people who have been healed of AIDS full blown, at the door of death.
The Lord is so kind, caring, merciful and loving. Share your testimony of healing or of someone you know and encourage someone trusting God for a miracle that with men or doctors it may be impossible but with God nothing is impossible.