It would be good to give relevant members titles based on their competencies, perhaps we should have titles like, technology expert/chief village technologist, village business expert, village doctor, village lawyer, village engineer, village mechanic, these titles will identify competent members of the village whom members can seek advice from.
doctor ongojea luther…
Village Prostitute
Village police.
village circumciser
village lawyer ni muhimu sana, kenya’s legal process is largely unexplained
Village crier…
village wanker
village villlager
New villagers should be called “KLost Orphan”
A month later, “Villager”
3 months, and upon 50 posts, graduate to an expert in a specific field- village lawyer, Village Preacher, etc. If 100 posts without breach of rules (read deactivation or suspension) , the prefix Saint is added to the incognito. So I may be Saint Aviator, Village Exorcist.
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village idler
village witch
village idiot
village hustler
Village DFHKMer
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Village vagabond
Village HYENA…