General Kahiu Itina: His name translates to General ‘Knife in the Butt’, originating from what he does to the enemy. He was born Muruthi Mathi and feared as a strict disciplinarian. An ordinary carpenter before he entered the forests, he was promoted to General at a meeting held in the Aberdares on June 12, 1953, alongside Matenjagwo, Muraya Mbuthia, Mbaria Kaniu, Kibira Gatu, Kago Mboko and Ndung’u Gicheru. Besides wearing his sandals backwards to confuse the enemy, he was infamous for his punishment methods.
One of only two fighters who were allowed to meet Dedan Kimathi without first being screened by his guards, Kahiu Itina was a militant leader who wore an ingeniously made leopard-skin coat and trousers, a decorative Colobus monkey-skin hat and a pair of brown gaiters made from the thick hide of a buffalo. His eyes were bloodshot and unlike most fighters, he was almost bald.
As a North Tetu leader allied with Stanley Mathenge, Kahiu Itina rose to become a leading member of the Ituma Ndemi Trinity Council, a body set up by Kimathi in the forest in May 1953 to direct activities of the nine separate wings of the Ituma Ndemi Mau Mau Army. ITUMA was a name made from ‘I’ - Itungati, meaning warriors, from ‘T’ - representing North and South Tetu Divisions of Nyeri, ‘U’ - representing Uthaya Division of Nyeri, and ‘MA’ - representing Mathira Division of Nyeri. The three divisions made the Trinity of the Nyeri Army. NDEMI, literally “arrow head”, referred to an early generation-set which was believed to have invented the art of metal-working and the first metal-tipped weapons among the Gikuyu.
At the famous Mwathe meeting, Kahiu Itina was elected Treasurer of the Kenya Defense Council and later, in February 1954, elected Vice President of the first Kenya Parliament. He also served as Commander-in-Chief of the North Tetu Division, INA.
One of his most famous raids was alongside General Kibira Gatu and one hundred and fifty warriors at Kagunduini Homeguard post and Market where he carried a 50lb. bomb dropped by enemy planes and taken unexploded from the Honi River, and exploded it at the post by setting fire to rubbish and paraffin around it. It was a very successful mission and the explosion, which was heard all over Nyeri District, completely destroyed four buildings.
General Kahiu Itina was captured in 1957 and was hanged with other Mau Mau fighters including Dedan Kimathi.