I wrote this last month because I have no one to talk to about this. I have never been so alone in all of my life. I just gambled away another paycheck today and I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
"What I want to say to everyone in my family and those that love me is this, “I am an addict.” I may not drink and shoot drugs into my veins, but the devastation in my life is just as real. I spent the weekend from the time I got paid gambling away my rent and grocery money, just like I did last payday and the payday before that. It’s the reason we don’t have gas service, cable, internet, car insurance, or soon to be power. I have borrowed the limit with my parents and can’t go anywhere else for money. I don’t know what to do.
Those 4 are the main reasons why most men ruin their finances. I have a mild alcohol problem but I am clean for two weeks now. I used to drink every weekend but I am slowly cutting my consumption after realizing that after three beers, every girl in the club looked like Beyonce. I hope to be clean by the end of next year nikuwe nimwacha fobe kabisa. Addiction is real.
I’ve never been lucky,even back in the day during the nairobi ASK show, there was a raffle with loads of fun items but I managed to win a razor blade every fvckin time, every fvckin time. With such a background, I believe that my luck in such games is nonexistant hence I only place a maximum of 100bob, just incase lady luck is having a good day
Back in the day, my mother gave me Ksh 600 to buy jeans for Christmas. I was window shopping when I saw those “pata-potea” guys and with the greed of doubling my money, I lost it. It was a sad and long Christmas. I learned my lesson. Since that day, I have never gambled again. I also watched a documentary about gambling a while back, and you will not believe how low the odds of winning are. For companies like sportspesa, if you win, you win small, but if you lose, which happens most of the time, you lose big. Gambling companies make millions. In the US, gambling is on a whole new level where even the layout of the casino, lighting etc is specifically designed to encourage you to gamble. It’s psychological. I have one employee, great guy. Very industrious, and I bet he should have launched a similar business by now because he understands my operations from A to Z…but he cant keep a dime in his pocket. Kama leo juu nilimlipa Wednesday najua ako Casino mahali in town or Westlands.
Mara ngapi tutasema…
"If you’re gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right
You’ve got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
I understand you @sperminator . you need professional help. Start by giving your friend all your betting accounts password and tell them to change and never to revel to you the new passwords. if you continue, get a family member or spouse to help you manage you finances until you recover. Ukilipwa unapeana pesa and only ask for daily use amounts.
The thrill of gambling releases dopamine in your brain as a hard drug would do. The same way a drug addict needs to take more, and more of the drug (since the brain is adapting), the gambling addict takes riskier and riskier bets…
The parts of the brain that are activated by both are similar.
Projecting forward, things like sportspesa perhaps will give us a whole new generation of addicted gamblers…
Kuna ktalker hugamble sportspesa? I would seriously question their IQ…na si tafadhali. Gambling, especially sportspesa is for the youth in the village with little or no education. Jikomboeni kutoka ujinga.
Kufunga thread niseme hivi… Advice is appreciated but mtu mzima pesa ni zake and he chooses what to do after all hii pesa si ya mamako, said a certain wariah