Funny thing

By human nature, people end up thinking that their sins are not as bad as those of other people.
Take politics for example. Some people are convinced that their voting choices are logical and upright whereas other people are retarded haters who should make better choices. In matters sex, men want to have random sex with people’s daughters. Ask them about the right of their own daughters to sell themselves and they go berserk.
This is simple selfishness. We are all messed up. Only by honest confession and penance will we get any real change. It’s very difficult. I know this from my own failures. But giving in to human pride is death…

Sociopathy is a good vehicle/veneer to protect your brain from cognitive dissonance in matters morals. Besides, the world is divided into us vs them with a ting mix of the holier than thou attitude.
Or do you want me to narrate to you that I wrote the alphabet, A-Z. Then went out hunting for a woman of the name starting with each letter up to 26…
Guilty peleka kwa confessional cube

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That’s why the confession cube is there. We also deserve privacy as we confess. But we must acknowledge our own sins first. Men think that solipsism is a women’s thing but I see men that live in their own worlds everywhere.

Funny thing though, I suspect something crazy like the CERN particle accelerator reprinted the universe and some of us came back without souls. You know this world doesn’t feel original since 2018. Maybe we are in an alternate reality.