@Meria Mata and other cultural anthropologists wa kutoka Mt Kenya hebu mtuambie. (1)Where did this come from? Is it old? Maybe it is old tu ni vile nowadays everybody must have at least 3 names.
Nowadays this thing is very rampant but when I was in school in the 90s it was rare.
(2)Do Luo and Kamba community do this?
When I was little single mothers used to name their sons after their grandfather or even choose a random Kikuyu male name such as Maina Karanja etc etc
(3)Those male members who have a girl name, how do you feel about it?
hii ni mambo ya singo mothers wa singo mothers if you know what i mean
watoto ya single mother ndio wako hivo na ni kwa shinyeye tu…kwa wakale na jaruo huezipewa hizo jina.
I think I would change it as soon as I am able to do it. Kuna jina zingine ziko too girly kama Njeri. Kama ni Watiri or Kanini I would not feel the need to change it. Lakini Njeri, Wanjiku? Hiyo imezidi too much, ni three much!
Halafu there is the assumption about your mother when people hear your name. People will make conclusions about your mother even before they meet her. That’s the worst part:oops::eek::eek:
shida ni sisi, unatia mtu ball alafu you deny responsibility, the mwoman hates you with all her heart and soul, hataki anything associated with you including your name
This hard headed wimin I bore a kid with decided against my wise counsel and providing a suitable name to name my daughter after her mum! Mpaka was Leo yeye huniuliza tunaenda wesdan lini! Unbeknownst to her hio wesdan hakanyagi atakula hio ujeuri yake sisi hapana tambua hata tukizaa watoto 26 wote tunawaita majina kutoka upande was baba hakuna kushare or alternate shit!!! My guardian mum knows of the daughter but keeps asking "when are you gonna give me a proper grand kids? " In her eyes huyo msichana wangu ni wild oat na inafaa nilete a proper daughter with a proper family name!
When kikuyus are told to embrace polygamy, most girls say the can’t share a man. Then they get impregnated by married men and still keep them as side chicks kwa bedsitters. Married women also say they can’t share a husband but same men are all over servicing single mothers and paying rent and school fees.
It’s better mjue mko wawili and work towards a common goal rather than pretend and you Know what happens behind the curtain. Christianity has also played role in convincing Africans to abandon their culture but you should know Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day coz that was their culture.
Andu matuike agikuyu akiristiano no ti akiristiano agikuyu.
True. We have a lot of men who refuse to be responsible. But mbona utese mtoto na jina la kike? The bullying must be on a crazy level especially in places like Nairobi where children from different tribes go to school together.
I like this. Kama mtu alitoa mahari na bado ni yeye anasimamia bill zote then all glory belongs to him alone including naming of his children.
That marathon runner from naks who was murdered alikua anaitwa nani?
Ni style ya kuzifunga kengele zijulikane zikipita…
Oh yes. Wanjiru I believe was his name.
I know that story hope will tell it one day but under a different handle!
No wanjiru ni sur name
Usilete ujuaji akianguka kwa balcony, he was from nyahururu
I never disputed that fact! Learn to read and comprehend what I meant is the parentage not circumstances leading to his death ! Donge?
Wengi walijitokeza more than five but
Ithe wa mwana amenyagwo no nyina
These are matriachy oriented surnames. Various artist also use their mum’s name like Kuruga wa Wanjiku. To some degree kikuyu is a matriachal society.
According to my mum, hii maneno ya surname ni ya wazungu. Kitambo Kikuyu kids used to be identified by their mother’s name because most men had more than one wife.
If say a man is called Kamau wa Mwangi, each wife would bear him a Mwangi so kungekuwa na Mwangi wa Wanjiru (first wife), Mwangi wa Nyambura (second wife) etc.
My late guka’s ID actually had his mother’s name, because he had a brother from his other mother with the same name.
Incidentally, there was a time guka went to visit my uncle in school karibu amkose because he asked for him by his name but uncle alikuwa anatumia his surname (guka’s name). So aliporudi akaambia cucu ona marĩtwa maitũ nĩtwatunyirwo (they have taken even our names).
Basically hakukuwa na concept ya surname before mzungu (at least in our family).
Of course nowadays mtoto kuitwa na mamaye ni kusema ni wa single mother.
A lot of men in kikuyu call themselves by their mum’s name eg wanjeri_ meaning njeris son. Not necessarily from single mothers