I watched this documentary on YouTube yesterday and I can’t get over it.
A team of top brains in Aviation, Flight simulation, Oceanography and all came together to analyze what could have happened to the ill-fated flight some four years ago. Their verdict:
The rogue pilot committed mass murder.
Ni ile ya malaysia ama?
ndege iko wapi,
The plane never crashed,the folks in the tube were gassed,plane was remotely controlled(yes it is possible even to land itself during shit weather) and landed at Diego garcia island(fishermen saw ‘a plane’ heading there),then everything got buried neatly:cool:.same way they conspired 911 is the same way they are going to fuck everybody up pre-WWIII
There are thousands of conspiracy theories being spinned by so called experts,I believe non of it,have the families been compensated??
Sounds like Lost Season Finale
Not to sound like a conspiracy nut but MH370 = MH17. The disappearance of MH370 was caused by the CIA to implicate that Russia had shot down MH17 months later.
Our very own mjuaji ameongea. Boss, why don’t you switch on ur lappy n wank on some mature.nl shit?
What am sure of is the presence of top irreplaceable Chinese Nuclear engineers in the MH370 .others ni collateral damage
Towards what end?
A conspiracy theory isn’t complete without an end purpose.
Blame had to be proportioned to somebody for insurance purposes
got sucked into another dimension
hiyo ndege ilibebwa na spaceship ya aliens
Kwani @culture alikua ndani ju haonekani hapa?
hakuna kitu mimi huogopa kama ocean
hii ni true story ya LOST THE SERIES…in real life.
hakuna kitu kaa hio i believe extra-terrestrials were responsible for its disappearance, its not the first time a plane has vanished without a trace
the local muguka base came to a conclusion that hii ndege haikuanguka accidentally; iko Chinese walikuwa na nuclear secrets stolen from the USA and they just had to be terminated before making China the SUPERPOWER. Hao abiria wengine were just in the right plane at the wrong day. sasa ndio tulikuwa tunaomba serikali iorganize funds tuunde ka documentary
ililipuliwa mid air
i support the last line