FIRST Class Mediocrity. KNEC Website Layout Looks Like Human Vomit In A Jug

You would expect that a Web Portal for such a distinguished department in a vital ministry such as that of Education would be easier to use and appealing to the eye but NIABM and cannot manage sh!t.

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So what is wrong with the website? In engineering, including software engineering we use the principle of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid/Straightforward/Short/uSable).

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Maybe they chose to use few graphics to make it faster and easier to access for everyone.

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Ignorant mjuaji @ndindu is typical the case of the pot calling the kettle black

chief bonobo ndindu highly overates his little knowledge if any

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Site hata home page aka index page haiko centered.

Very poor metrics

Below par

[quote=“Ndindu, post:6, topic:467717”].


Performance is what matters and they are rated at 100%. Don’t be obsessed with form over function. KISS (Keep It Simple, uSable).

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Naona Iko tu sawa and simple. Ata mlika mwizi will be able to check results na 2G somewhere mashinani