First black female pilot commercial planes


Not the first but congrats to her. With that being said, when I buy a helicopter, all female resumes will be heading direct to the bin.


Actually …
We have several … :blush:


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And this was another Epic Flight
The KQ flight to Kinshasa by an ALL FEMALE CREW:blush: :bouquet:

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In 2020 on International Womens Day , 3 Female KQ Pilots flew the Dreamliner to New York , USA ( JFK ).

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umemeza woke propaganda… womens have been flying long before you were swiming in your dady’s balls


Yep. Do that in your dreams. Kobe Bryant, his daughter and that Nigerian exec who died with his entire family had male pilots, much good it did them.

First young black female pilot to fly an American commercial flight

What is woke propaganda?

ideation that is evolving into mind control and altered history…


There seems to be a misunderstanding generally on the REAL meaning and usage of the word “WOKE” …

Some reseach is in order … :blush:

There is no job that women cannot do …
And very effectively and efficiently …
Including the most dangerous … :joy: :blush:


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Bibi ya MP Karauri flies KQ jumbo jets. This is an ummeffi thread

@TrumanCapote trying to prove that cashcrop za kwao sio mawaru


Economy baya we can’t afford jumbos, maybe dreamliners

I guess you heard about the mid air collision. Catch my drift now Miss @TrumanCapote?

Nothing to celebrate here gambling with over 300 souls on board.

Female Pilots fly millions of Passengers very safely all over the World … :rofl:

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I was watching Captain Sully the other day, he lost both engines on take off over New York, had nowhere to land safely. You should listen to the original audio how he casually told the air traffic controller, 'We will be in the Hudson," very casually as if he were ordering coffee then pulled off a water landing saving everyone. You need to be extremely level headed, completely disconnect from your emotions but most importantly have balls forged out of steel to manage this. You honestly think a girl would handle that pressure ama ataanza manduru. Kazi zingine ni za mandume.

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Uko na nudes za pilot. Ni nyonge