Felicien Kabuga Riddle

Hii boyz iko Kenya ama niaje? Been scrolling wikileaks




Huyu mtu serikali imemkinga sana. Very strange.

Naskia huyu jamaaa ako kwa bunker pale kabarak guarded by 100 recce squad afisas na anakula supper religiously daily na Moi na biwott na museveni na nyachae na Mwau

funny you should say that juu pia Ranneberger alisema that “probably Gideon Moi knows where he is” kwa hizo cables. hii kenya pesa ndio kusema

Kabuga died a long time ago and was buried in Langata. You can take that to the bank.

that’s how wikileaks leaked rumors from US envoys and spies to DC …
if ungeambia the US envoy hii story then sio maajabu ingekua kwa wikileaks…

sijui why people think wikileaks is the gospel truth

:oops::oops: really??? how long ago?

he’s still around and well protected.Some undertones from the nyaruanda community pale hurlingham suggest so

Jamaa ako Sawa hapa hurlingham, Hana matatizo, huyo ni livewire.

i’d believe this any day…
It would have been hard for him to survive the Kibaki regime. There were a lot of changes in the state security machinery , it could have left him exposed…

If he were alive today Kabuga would be 85 years old.

He died.

being 85 and alive is possible you know…

kwani 85 is old ?:oops: I have relatives are deep in their 90s
Rumour has it that he had invested heavily in kenya, the economy couldn’t afford to kick him out:D, both Moi and Kibaki regimes protected him.

The best place to hide … where you’d least be expected to be found … in the open.

He is still around, Kenya’s impunity window helps such guys to live freely.

Did I say nobody lives beyond 85? WHY IS IT YOU GUYS CAN’T EVEN UNDERSTAND A SIMPLE STATEMENT OF FACT? Is it - as I suspect - that you have extremely low IQs?

I simply said he died. Did I say of what?

Let me illustrate. Sharon wa Obado died. If she were alive today she would be 32.

Does this statement say what Sharon died of?

Baboons will never cease amazing me…

kabuga is adead or 90 years old

Calm down old foggy :D:D
It never ceases to amaze me how one with a fossil for a brain blames everything on low IQ, perhaps its the need to bring everyone down to your level or perhaps Alzheimer is kicking in and you’ve forgotten your grammar.

There is a small issue of subject predicate agreement, meaning the way you phrased the sentence implied age was a factor in his demise.
The subject was whether kabuga was dead or alive
You state that he died and you throw in his age , what relevance is the age factor to the subject matter??

The implication would be that it is an issue, unless your mind went blank and you threw in an irrelevant tit bit just to fill in the blanks (pun intended):D:D

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Good attempt to deflect but naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, you still a baboon…:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Entitlement issues galore.

So we can conclude that he’s living in kilimani as a dead man buried in Langata.