Fcuk family, new observation.

…from chaos will arise a new world order…urban folks are easily swayed by flashy possessions.


I think this article was about women who do NOT want to commit to men(I am sure men understand how commitment works)

It is stressful being in a relationship.Especially when you realize he married you to solve a problem.They have done away with that.Badala ya ushike mimba aingie karura(significant single mother population and wangapi batallion hey!)He gets to have fun while you get your family.Only this time you weren’t blindsided (like most)no element of surprise (pregnancy as a result of unprotected sex,who knew)you are actually READY!

You are free to enjoy raising your child/children while he enjoys his soft pre-wall 18-22 year olds.He is not your problem.Your problem is getting a father figure for your Son.Making sure your son is around good masculine role models.The donor can come in handy if you wish to “borrow his seed” and not mix paternities.That is if your donor is not a good father figure.If he is agreeable, you can come up with an arrangement on paper.

I do not understand though,what is wrong with such an arrangement.Hutegemei mtu,unakula zako and hupokei madharau in the name of saving face.Nyang’au haikusumbui,hutegemei pesa yake and the best part is you are not BITTER or SAD or STUCK in an unhappy union.

I wish all of you happy unions.Happy waif
Happy life.

They realized they are replaceable.

I wonder what you see when you look in a mirror, the face of a male capitalist or a sellout invested in eroding family.

Lazy journalism

No wonder @kanguthu anaitwa wanjiru Mwangi

Hao wanawake wote huregret sana from age 50. Kuna kitu presence ya mwanaume kwa nyumba hupea mwanamke, and no amount of Money, grandchildren, or Nigerian worship songs can fill the void of a man in a woman’s life.

Humbwer mnusa tako ghaseer

I agree with you.

  1. There is an age old secret on how to destroy the sanity of the Garden of Eden. According to the Bible, the serpent did not lie(Eating the fruit would make them learn the difference between good and evil), however, he was able to pass deceit. Ironically, this is the same strategy being used to destroy modern society.

  2. You, as a lady must learn to be submissive. This means submission is acquired deliberately, and not a default state.

1 Timothy 2: 11 - 15
11 A woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness.
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; she is to remain quiet.
13 For Adam was formed first, and then Eve.
14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression.
15 Women, however, will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

Like I said
The article deals with women who have chosen to have children without necessarily investing in a partner.Financially stable capable women.People who do not want to commit long term to men.What is so hard to understand?

If you are a family man, interested in the well-being of your family,taking advantage of a single mother’s situation should be the last thing on your mind because you already have a family to take care of.Your wife/children.your well-being comes first.

The family unit is already eroded.sadly society will have to watch.If you make certain choices, you face the consequences.

I am a woman btw.cheers.

You only submit where you are loved.For which the book says is not self serving.

It would be wise to withdraw your daughter from school and keep her home,tell her school is for the boys.Hammer it into her that her word has no authority.She cannot say no.she is to shut up while boys tear at her self esteem because a page in a stupid book tells her that she is to sit down and take it.Kudos on your parenting skills.

Look at us bickering over the single mom crisis.Oh no.I make no logic.I am irrational.

Treat your women well.Be a good partner,a great husband.A great father.Hiyo ndiyo maisha yenu.Yenye mtu amejichagulia.

Kwani you are not trully happy?mmeolewa huku lakini you are still bickering and bitter about women who have their own lives to live,who are making the best out of their situations,whose only limit is the sky?

Kwa nini mko hivi?Mtu akiolewa,shida
Mtu asipoolewa,shida
Single mother ,shida
Child free shida

Jiiteni mkutano!women are not your problem!

Uhuru alisemanga gazeti ni ya kufunga nyama.

Tuko naye hapa

Umeongea vizuri. Shida yako ni jina tu

The law and culture have fanned the breaking up of black families in the US. The result of the many broken families is many youthful people getting into conflict with the law hence a high black prisoner population.

What they (single mothers) don’t realize is that life has become extremely competitive, so why disadvantage your children on purpose when they need every edge they can get in life, especially a father’s loving relationship? Fatherless children are over represented in prisons, drugs use, crime, depression, anxiety, suicide etc.

At the age of 45 yrs, these so called independent women are very desperate to have a man in their lives, but very few men are willing to settle with such postwall.

So umesema young girls wachague relationship over career?
@TrumanCapote will come at you with a giant pitchfork.