Africa’s Top 10 Fastest Trains as of 2023
The Tanzania electric SGR hits a speed of 160 Km/h compared to Kenya’s SGR which uses diesel and can move up to 120 Km/h.
The journey time for 460 km distance from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma was reduced from 8 h by bus to around 3 h 30 min on rail.
1:Nigeria - Red Line Metro from Agbado-Oyingbo in Lagos State | 330km/h
2:Morocco - Al Boraq high speed rail service from Casablanca-Tangier | 320km/h
3:Egypt - High speed rail network | 250km/h
4:South Africa - GAUTRAIN speed rail system linking Johannesburg, Pretoria, Ekurhuleni and O.R. Tambo | 160km/h
5:Algeria - El Ksar-Hai Nasr Light Rail Line | 160km/h
6:Senegal - Regional Express Train (RET) | 160km/h
7:Ethiopia , Djibouti - Addis-Ababa-Djibouti Railway | 160km/h
8:Tanzania - Standard Gauge Railway (SGR)'s Bullet Train | 160km/h
Congratulations Mama Suluhu . .
9:Tunisia - Tunis Station to Bougatfa Station Rapid Rail Line | 120km/h
10:Kenya - Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) | 120km/h