Villagers I have just installed xposed framework and it looks great . Add some of your modules .
Cc @Deorro .[ATTACH=full]72196[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]72196[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]72197[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]72200[/ATTACH]
Retarded font
Gravity box tumia tu kama uko na AOSP Android
Thanks . Nilijaribu Xui mod phone ika boot loop . Had to reset it.
Midget ulipata star lini
Wewe jina upside down acha maswali mingi
Mokamba yaa kwani wewe ni one Metre tall?
Nimesikia xprivacy iko fiti for the privacy conscious
Ameniconfuse na yule jamaa mwingine ako na star
Io star nyie wawili hupewa kivipi?
okay most zenye I used to use umshaweka… zingine ni:
Bootmanager - fast boot times
Youtube background playback- one of my fav especially kama uko na wifi kwa nyumba and want to play youtube videos(music) you can use other apps or turn the screen off while youtube plays
xinsta- download instagram videos and pictures
whatsappX- to add some functionality to whatsapp
android n-ify - kama hauna android nougat
Asanti sana
Hii ni android version gani? My lollipop refused to install Xposed module
Lollipop na Mashmallow you don’t install Xposed by installing the xposed apk, you have to flash the xposed zip
na usisahau asipopata the right one bootloop lazma atapatana nayo
Try this
Xposed General | XDA Forums