I came on here a few years ago, I saw this guy with an avatar which enyewe iliniudhi because mimi napenda Yesu kwa/na Ubaya and this guy had a blasphemous avatar. I inboxed him and told him take down the Bible coz Jesus isnt someone to joke with. Sasa kwa hio njaro. We ended up in other stoories hazieleweki. So I used photos of a lady I dunno from a can of paint who I found in my boyfriend (a politician) facebook to make the guy excited the lady is a doctor. It was to me just a game. I had no intentions with the guy .Later I found out najua the guy’s fam. Sitaenda into details. Wacha tuachie hapo. But the guy who thinks he is very alpha fell for the entire thing but nilikua nataka iishe hivyo but I ended up in an ugly exposee where I was labeled a prostitute because I lived in Malindi then another Ktalker who was my classmate in a PhD class came on to further ‘expose’ me . I dropped out of the class because of some unethical practices .The guy tried many times to call me but I didnt pick his calls even once because sielewi why he kept calling me. I just lengad his calls. I will not go into what unethical practices were. Yeye anajua. Na anajua mimi ni msafi kama pamba hata akinichafulia jina.
onasema nini
You are a woman,ulikataa kupeana slices…
Kuna pahali nilipotea kiasi.
Pole. At least you finally addressed the issue.
You won’t get sympathy here bila specifics. Idiot
Got bored… Lost interest
Watukanganya mama. Kheri ungenyamaza tu
Na hizi p[SIZE=1]ermanent[/SIZE]H[SIZE=1]ea[/SIZE]d[SIZE=1]amage[/SIZE] classes hawafunzi punctuation, paragraphing nakadhalika?
Georgina makena we know you.
Mizz Gatwiri,
I think the only person dumber than you here is Admin.
Christine Gatwiri sema yote
Hae priz? I think I am falling in love with you, your being married notwithstanding.
Wasee wa ocha na “Hae.”
Mimi sii msee wa ocha I live in UK (United Kisumu, but I don’t say)
Wapi dokta @luther, hapa iko shida ya autism related condition s.