Eti hii ndio nyumba ndogo ya Zakayo...She is a parastatal boss with eight top jobs

Jamaa si angeita talker amsaidie kutafuta nyumba ndogo? Main dish is even sexier than hii gitiri


Lazima ako na nini tight sana, kila JSKS akimwaga ndani anapeana job.


Yule Mama Abby( baby mama wake) mimi huona akiwa mrembo kuliko 1st lady…


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Unadhani kuan mtu anaweza chezea side dish ya president na aachwe?

Looks like she can give good head. Siwesi mind kusalamiana na JSKS lakini going by the rumours hapa unavaa military grade condom.

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Vile munasema kama hii ndio kitu nabii anakula inakaa ako na fetish na meno kubwa

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Really?. Do you like horses?.

It’s not uncommon for a person to be a board member in multiple boards. The question should be if she has delivered in those roles

My third leg wouldn’t erect to this ghaseer

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