Entire Global Economy Has Shrunk, Na Bado!

USA, EU, Africa, Asia uchumi ni mbaya saidi. Things will only get worse. The effects on COVID in 2020/2021 are now manifesting in 2022. Farmers didn’t work their fields in Asia and Europe like in the past, that coupled with climate change and the war in Eastern Europe.


‘Climate change’ ? that’s a buzz word for the liberals.

As usual Africa gets the worst of it

Climate change is REAL weather you belive it or not

It may not be caused by Humans but Human activities exacerbates and accelerates it.

Nikiwa mtoi our local rivers were not Seasonal saa hii they are just bare rocks

Bado uko huku kulia kila sekunde…nilikuambia kimbia kwa muthungu ulambelambe ukiimba Ndindu house nigha amefika

Eat My Balls Mathafaka

Kùhakùrwo ta ngui dogomothi ino. You complain about everything under the sun including how you smell na hutaki kuoga¿ Kimbia huko kwa wazungu ukawalambe ukiimba Kadindu the house niggha amekuja. Brare ghaseer

Keino giki urenda atia riu?

Macoko maya. Thie ukarie mai. Corobo uyu.

Tengera kurí athungu ukiinaga Ndindu kîhiiii kia nyûmba nigioka kumucuna. Kumbaff

Rugunthu ruru. Niha wona ngegoca athungu ngui eno

Nikuharwo wahara haha hiti ino

Sokwemtu, who’s winning this chokosh war

nekee uhoro wahara athungu

i wonder how life will be in a year’s time

Climate change is real because climate change has been happening since time immemorial. At one point in time, the Sahara desert was a savanna.

Some desert countries are mastering the art of growing food to sustain people in a desert through technology, but the leaders you elected at 4am in the morning will frustrate their efforts in trying to teach this to typical mkenya farmers, promising projects failing badly.