bless you…most people in this season were apt to give directions and word before sitting in the very presence of the Father for as long as it took to hear him…now in this season of the great falliing away, the spirit of confusion and that of jezebel has been released and many people will pray against this even knowing well it has been prpphecied in Gods own word…some things must happen…what you do as they do is what matters to God…learn to minister to God until you have an encounter with him before you can to man. church awake and brace yourself for hard times ahead and more so more will walk in the flesh…none is warning people of the rapture and coming of the anti christ…we cant pray against everything but we must align to the will of God in prayer…Its time that many will go out with a word but not from God…repent and consencrate yourselves and give yourself to prayers more than anything else for there is more coming…i give God glory for he gave me a word about calamity way before the season and i posted…learn to understand the seasons and you will not pray amiss…am available for prayer after a long time of having the Lord search me and my heart…making me what he desires…currently in the country at the coast and in kilifi county where where it hit hard but look at the Lords doing…hear the Lord and live.bless you as we separate ourselves and understand its a season of purging and consencration…love you all and blessings.
yours in service