Emma Too bought an apartment in Kileleshwa and she has never known peace

From noisy clubs to noise from construction sites that are operated day and night…Nairobi life is overrated…Afaa kujenga outskirts za Nairobi


Emma Too come to Ugenya. No noise or Chinese construction going on here.

Just the sound of Wuod Ugenya doing push ups and eating fresh nule perch…


We need development… Thank you China :cn:

China :cn:

Once “leafy suburbs” have turned to noisy vertical slums :rofl:. Wacha Shainise wanukishe huko we shall see the results like the babies they abandoned all over thika road with slay queens


Emma Too wacha kelele kwa social media. Husaidiki.
Apartment huwa unarent, na ukichoka unahama, unarent place ingine. Wewe kaa hapo ukunywe dust


Too bad. If by now you do not know that buying a house in kanairo is an extreme sport, you deserve being washed.

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Let her keep quiet or move out. development must happen. Many of these ‘leafy’ estates require apartments and intensive residential development in order to accommodate the growing population. Serenity should not be a priority anymore.
i think some of these affordable houses should be erected in Karen ,spring valley and other exclusive places. tutahamia huko. it is the only way of ensuring those in kibra have a chance of living in karen.
Apana tambua upmarket residences.


Power of money. Money controls everything

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Nairobians wanazidi kula ujuaji wao. 2027 ni kiSungu miiingi kama hii kupigia favourite candidate debe

In our lifetime Nairobi itakuwa flats yote, like Tokyo or New York. Leafy suburbs will be turned into hotel apartments like GTC

Did you guys miss that part she says the china company has direct access to Nabii yet she’s still crying with the name Kidero? :sweat_smile:

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Who is she? That name sounds like a record in memory somewhere


Bonobos deserve whips

Ex model.

Once one of the hottest women in Kenya.


Ati? Uko na digits nione kama naweza msaidia? :upside_down_face:

Middle class chieth with 20M apartments up in the air in one of the most polluted and disorganized cities in shithole Africa getting shafted by the degeneracy that exists,

Can that bitch sell the apartment at the same price she bought it? Of course not. It’ll be a net loss. Meanwhile mtu aliangusha 15 bed sitters is collecting 90k monthly bila kusumbuliwa.


The outskirts of Nairobi are the places where you in your old age get a medical emergency like a heart attack or stroke and the nearest health facility is a level 3 health center that closes at 5 pm, a Mall outpatient facility that is there for only basic medical conditions these weird private hospitals with the most clueless staff on the planet.
The outskirts of Nairobi have even worse planning than Nairobi itself. Ask anyone in Athi River whose estate was once the gem of the area until the Chinese set up a steel plant next door, or Kitengela where the drainage system is filled with industrial waste and where no sewer lines exist and you will definitely get asthma from the dust there . The disorder and chaos of Kamulu, Juja and Thika is insane. Thika a brand new home looks like Fort Jesus within 10 years because of the industrial pollution.
Tigoni ,parts of Limuru are also basically a ponzi scheme. They are very nice now but , the moment they become “hotcake” the existing owners will subdivide their lands the way Kikuyu and the areas around Northern Bypass and now Western Bypass were subdivided and it will become another Ruaka and the posh areas of Thika which are now having people build walls between their homes and the neighboring tower to stop people from throwing diapers into their compounds. Unlike places like Karen, Muthaiga and the likes, Residential associations do not have much power in Kiambu County and absolutely zero in Machakos and Kajiado County where you are even expected to build your own sewer lines in some cases. Ask literally anyone in the original Kikuyu estates, Ruaka and Ruiru West where Asians and the remaining white people tried what posh Nairobians are able to do in Runda(where that association is still fighting a war against Amina Mohammed’s brother who is building a multi-story hotel within the estate) Muthaiga and most of Karen have managed to do and failed.
So what next, will you move to Ol Kalau?? Mwea?? Namanga???and commute to Nairobi daily?? Lol!!


Buying an apartment is like paying dowry for a whore and marrying her. No matter what promises are made by the whore (seller/developer) , people will always encircle your property and one day you will be greatly disappointed without fail.

Apartments are for renting, regardless of how much money you have in the bank.


Met her a few times and we used to be cool. Shes a kind intelligent woman. Her being kind was unexpected.