Elnino chakula ni mingi, ni god maze

Manna from heaven. Enjoy while it lasts. Major drought coming.


Cycle of floods and droughts need to be broken

Elnino can’t do shit when ground is covered with grass and plants, soil will have plenty of carbon, it will just percolate because it spongy, but we have denuded the land and now it hard as cement from desiccation so water rushes down at great speed causing damage

El nino will be there for the next one or two years kabla la nina irudi na ukame unless next year la nina iseme thats a wrap its my turn.

Bora mifugo zinapata lishe tele… it can rain all it wants. Hii Dec ni kukafunga. Zitakuwa on optimum weight.

Mnakula takataka kwa nini?

Jangili umeweka stock ya lishe za ngombe wakati wa ukame ama utaomba KMC inunue skin and bones?

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