Sio kila siku ni matusi na kusafisha mecho. Wacha leo niwekelee a scholarly thread. Wadau, there is a silent killer out there in the name of the above bacteria. This is a Gram-negative facultative anaerobic bacillus that can cause severe invasive disease in humans. It is found in the human mouth and upper respiratory tract. It is an unusual cause of infection and when it is cultured, it is most usually found mixed with other organisms. It is a fastidious, slow growing, human commensal bacillus, capable of acting as an opportunistic pathogen and causing abscesses in several anatomical sites, including the liver, lung, spleen, and submandibular region. Eikenella corrodens could independently cause serious infection in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. The infection does not become clinically evident until a week or more after the injury.
Why is this information important? Infections most commonly occur in patients with cancers of the head and neck but can occur in human bite infections, especially “reverse bite”, “fight bite”, or “clenched fist injuries” meaning ukiumwa na mtu ama uumie after kuwekelea mtu jab ya meno, chances of your injury incubating the above bacteria are high. We can thus extrapolate that dem akikupiga blow job and she happens to be inexperienced resulting in small bites on your dick, she might transfer this deadly bacteria to your dick where it shall incubate causing it to fall off or be amputated.
What you choose to do with this information is none of my business.
Doctors rarely have to deal with that otherwise friendly bacteria except in HACEK infections of the endocardium
That’s why taking a shot of whiskey or a glass of wine before bed is very important. Cause alcohol is a natural antibacterial.