“Jimmy Kiamba, the chief finance officer for the Nairobi County government, lives too large for his modest monthly salary of Sh85,000. That is the view of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), which has gone to court seeking orders to freeze the officer’s assets to pave way for further investigations into his vast
… EACC pursues CFO accused of stealing more than Sh400m in twelve months.
Mr Kiamba’s two bank accounts with CFC Stanbic Bank were used to transact more than Sh400 million between January and November 2014.
Mr Kiamba’s estate includes two maisonettes in South C, a plush town house in Kileleshwa,four apartments in Kilimani and eight plots of land in Muthaiga, Mavoko and Machakos. He also owns a fleet of six cars.
The EACC believes Mr Kiamba acquired the property through fraudulent deals using his position as City Hall CFO…”<< Business daily 15th June>
huyu naye aliiba ki jua kali aje alafu a fleet of six cars? ni mjinga he should be caught and prosecuted, ange maintain kale ka premio alikua nako akiajiriwa, atumie proxy companies to own property na asiambie watu halipi rent south c, mshienzi kabisa
Six cars arent many. Most outspoken politicians you see have many vehicles ata zingine labda wanasahau. not to metion the many they give to their relatives but are still owned by them. Some own companies with vehicles registered in their names(crazy).
these are politicians with a salary of 1M+ and to top it of they are not really accountable to anyone, theoretically they are accountable to the electorate; huyu ni county civil servant with a 85k salo, so yes for such a person six cars will raise eyebrows and he does not really have the clout and influence to evade prosecution
Nowadays it’s next to impossibility to conceal what you have …your ex-girlfriends and some of your trusted friends and neighbors are looking for the slightest opportunity to bring you down…“ukifunika wenzako wafunua”
Expect him to run for election as an Mp, Senator or Governor in the next election. That’s how thieves run for high office to protect their ill gotten wealth and we gladly vote them in.
I agree he isnt apolitician, but in kenya to get such a position you need to be a politician, even if you have to be an unofficial politician. COUNTY CFO is a powerful eating position. Once you got the money, no one can ever touch you.
In the stealing game, hakuna mchezo. You dont have to think abt what to do with the money. You just buy plots of land and build flats and houses. That cant be hard even if you arent business oriented orientation itakuja baadaye. Alafu hakuna mtu takusema unless you are eating his part. You also need to be ruthless if need be(Its not sissies who steal bigtime). You will find yourself dead in karura or you will be muchai-ed promptly if you disturb wazee wakiwa lunch.
This is the main problem with us Africans. We want to get rich by all means necessary and end up screwing generations after generations. I always say that if u want to get super rich you need to get into manufacturing otherwise just be content with the salary you earn or invest it to earn some more income. Now I dont know if its our education that is failing us but we are not creating enough wealth going by the look of things and thus we want to live like the developed world who manufacture everything in their won countries. Our main problem is western consumption culture with zero or minimal technological culture and you get yourself a black buffoon like you and me,hahahaha.
That is why kenya remains undeveloped after all those years since independence, the irony is wizi ulianza na our first president mzee jomo. I think we need to have very strict laws againist corruption like china.