Why are they talking like retarded fools?
Wow, I could feel my IQ dropping in real time while watching that.
Let me watch an informative documentary to exorcise that nonsense.
nyeuthi wa ghetto akikuongelesha huwezi shikanisha any.
Acting white" is the way of sinner. If they will not talk like retarded fools, act like retarded fools and dress like retarded fools, someone can mistake them for whites. Which as we already know the biggest sin in american hood negro mythology. "
Kwani ego ikuwe too big aje that you want to kill everyone who ‘disrespects’ you. They’re like weak minded kids with guns.
A’aight I see you dirty ass m’afaka wankin in public beefing with the wrong kind.
Hapana makasirikio swine Sina beef na ghaseer Kama wewe
Lean imemaliza braincells kadhaa.
Huchoki na vita nugu hii?
Me mtu mzima banae.
Guess who youll never see protesting over niggas killing niggas ? BLM , black lives only matter if it was a cop who did it !
Hii music genres huwa na watu brainless…pia lyrics za wakadinali mostly sewersyder huwa na crime quote mob Sana…hawa majamaa wanafaa wafinywe sana
Mbona kukua na ukumbafu 80% of the time babaa?