hapa sasa itabidi Kamwana aingilie kati and make people shit bricks
hapa sasa itabidi Kamwana aingilie kati and make people shit bricks
So they think they can come smuggling in the country then when conned they demand what they thought they bought?
Why are they so adamant?
Probably mlevi #1 is also entangled in this scam…
Can G.o.K afford to show UAE the middle finger ? Let the thugs walk, and jeopardize it’s relationship with the Emirati?
ebu weka hizo smuggling evidence hapa, ama Gold scammers pia wamekulipa to sanitise their names like Hujuma namba guys?
Lazima wakubali they played it badly.
Since they are literally the Government they would’ve told their suppliers to deliver to their embassy then they export in the diplomatic pouch.
They should have learnt from Kabila’s case since he came to complain to Kibaki and he asked him wharrayoutalkingabout?
Were they buying the gold from the Kenyan government or was it a private business transaction?
If they have been swindled privately the Kenyan state does not have to accept liability for the bad business transaction, however the gov has a duty to investigate the whereabouts of the gold plus the money and prosecute all those responsible. Including any persons linked to the gov.
imefika 4 birrions saa ngapi?
last i heard was 400 mirrion
Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Al Maktoum
Gava should corporate ama kina kush kanono waone Moshi.
stick to the issue at hand if you want to debate with me please.
Si wewe uweke evidence kuna gold kenya government ilikuwa nayo…
au GoK impounded contraband illegally imported and about to be illegally exported? (This is a rhetorical question asked for the sake of clarity only)
Sisi kwisha!
Hii naona ni Mradi wa kupora GoK hio 4 billion ikitumwa hatajui itaenda kwa akina nani.
There’s the white and black zone, then, there’s the grey area/zone. Hii sasa iko kwa hio grey zone.
Kenyan gava inaingilia hii private business because it’s alleged to be holding the contraband consignment which was due to be smuggled via JKIA.
Getting out of hand, Ruto anafurahia turn of events.
Halafu usikie serikali, in order to avoid jeopardizing the business climate and friendship with UAE, has decided to pay the 4birrion halafu itafuata hawa scammers in-house pole pole as it tries to recover the money/gold from them
So they use known criminal elements to acquire fake gold alafu wakichezwa wanataka serikali iwalipe! Screw them over and over again. Bure kabisa .
Vile najua our politicians will capitulate and pretend that it was not a scam, borrow more and pay Ahmed the way they did with Anglo Leasing. Sisi Ndio tutalipa.
If this was king Mswati of Eswati, hii ingekuwa non issue. Lakini it’s not.