The stepjoy girls claim to have slept in the city centre for six days, only a fool can buy that line my guess is one team MAFISI member had a sevensome for one whole week!! soon the dungeon will be found I can imagine bottles of viagra all over the floor! IF I were a journalist this is the story I would pursue because after Obama comes and goes Kenyans will need some juicy story to wash down the unmet expectations.
Iko fisi ili dry fry hadi kwa mkia
Yaani kuma haina nywele, no razor bumps, mgongo haina freckles, matako haina craters, cellulite. Bahati ya mtende nakuambia
…until you go in for six counts of defilement, statutory rape, exposing children to immoral conduct (or something like that). hata afadhali kushtakiwa hague…
Hakuna kuma ina nywele sharp kama ya a 17yr old girl. tu fudhi ndio tunachomoka and in most cases, at that age she has never shaved.Since most of them are shy esp.when naked, katakusumbua and you end up missing the bulls eye una land kwa hiyo savvana! sema dick Head kuskia kama ni Thorn za accacia tree zime indunga! it takes you another hr. to rise again.
N the mothers were hugging them like nothing happened. Babangu angenirukia na mateke nichapwe kama burukenge wanionyeshe Trouthmeter badala ya news ya kawa
wewe unajianika hapa na unajua @gashwin ako kwa provincial administration
Ndio gani hiyo?
@ Old Monk, hujawai Manga Dame wa form 3 ama 4? ur either a pretender or completely don’t know what Ur missing
Educate us tafadhali. What are we missing??
pedo bear lives
i don’t even know where to start. kwani nyinyi hu hanya na akina nani? Ladies older than your wives or younger than? What do you look forward to during school holidays if not tapping that young , soft nice Ass before the other mafisi wavamie?
inaitwa aje sikuhizi? but you know what I’m talking about
In Japan legal age ni 13 in Narok legal age ni 9 in kenya it was 16 now 18 some places it’s 21, what are the factors considered before arriving at a number?
Old is Gold…
so cougars mostly, maybe MILFs
Then i rest my case! sorry, we are reading from different scripts! Whilst you are busy with their mothers, the daughters are in the right hands!
pedophile detected
Fu©king sex pests
I beg to differ…just like a kid, when hair starts growing it is soft, silky and first starts brownish before maturing into thick black strands at 21. Wewe siye fisi pekee