Maandamano ya Kenya inakaa itakuwa child’s play. Security apparatus unleashed in Tanzania so mchezo.
Sasa RPG ni ya kazi gani? @T255 kuja hapa upesi
Hapa kazi tuuuuu
@Purple Merge this thread and the one below
Teren teren. Wacha kanuke.
And PIN IT. cc @admin, @Mundu Mulosi @old monk @Electronics4u
Megafools self declared long time friend should head there and give one of his lectures on the death of democracy in Africa.
Hapa tunajua watanzania hawana tabia za kuandamana. Any external force tunaweza kuipiga. Maana usidhani ilikuwa just maandamano. Adui wa Tanzania wanaweza kujipenyeza iwe kwa anga tunawatungua
hapa ndio Sorrows amepeleka democratization baada ya kushindwa na kenya?
yet we meet again?remember our initial convo?
I have just realized @T255 is not a reliable source. Also i have to read his posts twice ndio nielewe
forgive him. he’s out of his depth as never in history has his country faced a threat of this magnitude.
Hahahahaha!! Tanzania siyo ya mchezo mchezo. Wabongo wanaweza wakakugeuka muda wowote na usiweze kuamini.
Kwani ni hamwezi ongea kiswahili sanifu tu lazima mupenyepenyepenyepenye jameni
This is suspiciously sanifu:D umepenyapenyapenya aje hapo?
Do not get me wrong. Sijawai enda TZ and i want to visit TZ more than any neighbour we have. But zoea kuwa mtu straight foward. Hapana tu tetea serikali na kupost developments bure na zingine huwa tu blueprint.
Nothing to celebrate here… however much i dislike mapombes dictatorial tendencies, we will gain nothing if tanzania falls… no 3rd world country has so far benefited from so called popular uprisings
They kill Kenyans for sport. Shauri yako.
Tru dat homie. These “popular” uprisings are engineered from London, Washington DC and Paris. Tebu checki Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They have been reduced to Somalia status.
Wazungu are Chieth.