Dementia Biden vs Crazy Trump

2024 seems to be picking right up where 2023 left off, as scarcely a day goes by without Donald Trump saying something crazy. But now we’re also seeing more and more evidence that President Biden is likewise mentally unfit to hold office.

The latest evidence involves special counsel Robert Hur, who was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in January of 2023, to handle the investigation into classified documents being discovered at Biden’s Delaware home.

Today special counsel Hur released a 388-page report on President Biden’s retention of classified material, and the report shocked many with the finding that the president frequently showed limitations with his memory and recall.

The special counsel wrote that Biden did not remember when he was vice president, forgot when his term ended, and in another instance forgot when his term began. Biden also did not remember when his son Beau had died.

This report comes on top of news that twice this week Biden had forgotten the names of European leaders he met with earlier in his presidency, and instead confused them with former leaders who have died.

In fact, all we have to do is listen to how Biden speaks, and look at how he moves, to understand that he is not only 81 years old, but he’s a very OLD 81 years old. He has unquestionably aged greatly over the last few years.

And that’s the key, because there are many people in their 80’s who talk and move like they are 20 or 30 years younger. But there are also many 80 year olds who have lost the ability to think clearly or remember events with accuracy. Biden is firmly in that second group.

The concern about Biden on the left is bubbling just beneath the surface, and in my view democrats won’t risk the White House being lost because of how feeble Biden now appears. Whether that means the eventual nominee is someone like Harris remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump stands waiting for his November opponent, having already been crowned the head of the GOP, albeit unofficially. And that’s the ironic part about Trump’s return to power.

You see, Trump is just as mentally unfit as Biden, and undoubtedly more crazy, but his bombastic way of speaking conveys the impression to millions of Americans that he still has what it takes to be President of the United States.

Even though he will be 78 years old this summer, Trump still has that same mouth of a lion that got him into office in the first place. He’s getting less stable and more vindictive by the day, but his pompous way of speaking still overwhelms all that try to stand up to him.

The bible says that the Antichrist will succeed in all that he does, and once again we see that becoming reality, as yet another one of Trump’s foes starts to fall to the wayside. Make no mistake about it: the Antichrist is firmly on his road back to power.

By Brother Paul at

Curious why dem can’t prevail on Biden not to run and present another candidate. All my American relatives support Trump because of lower taxes. He is also less likely to start wars with other countries. And he offers some cringe worthy comic relief moments at times.

:joy::joy::joy::joy:Ati trump is Antichrist? People amaze me with what they believe. This is totally ignorant bullshit!


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If a prophecy must come to pass Mungu husababisha watu (Democrats) kukosa hekima. They all have that inertia, deer-in-the- headlights look. They know what needs to be done but lack the definitive will to carry it out because antichrist Trump’s time is here. The End is here. :pray::pray:

Kindly advise your relatives to reconsider their support for this Beast. What are they still doing in Babylon?! Tell them that they must leave asap!

Yes he is. Watch and share this video widely!

Biden to Trump ni kuruka mkojoo na kuland kwa meffi.

Trump will stil lose to a dimented Biden.

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Impossible, look at the polls in swing states. Biden has lost the Muslim vote in Michigan because of the Gaza conflict. He has also lost Cook County in Illinois which is the only county that votes Blue. The rest of Illinois is deep red. He might even lose NY at this rate because of the migrant crisis in New York City. A lot of Black people don’t even plan to show up on voting day, they will be voting for the couch which is just as disastrous. Look at the dismal turn out in SC’s primary. Black people are leaving the Democratic Party’s plantation in droves!

If the Democrats try to steal this one it will be straight up civil war.

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Trump hasn’t done anything since insurrection to win extra votes. Pollers who have correctly predicted elections the last 10 -20 , predicting a loss.
Ps: he was leading in those states until he lost. Ati NY to vote Republican :green_emoji:
But keep hope alive.

If he “loses” I’m sure it will be straight up civil war. Armed-to-the-teeth MAGA cultists will not stand down. Have you seen how unhinged they’ve become? Jan 6th will look like a picnic in retrospect.

Messiahette uko na point(s), as crazy and unlikely as it seems. Trump may present himself as the antichrist and if the election is stolen from him, hio ni civil war without a doubt. We are living in crazy times where anything can happened.

Unajua shida yako unaenda kuwatch videos kwa Youtube made by Trump mega haters alafu unakuja hapa kukunia. If you had just a little bit of intelligence, you wuld analyze the two groups’ policies, behaviors and everything and realzie who indeed in the antichrist, that is if the antichrist has to be a US president.

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how so?

I am now beyond assured that youre a retarded nincompoop that just talks for the sake of it, no analysis or substance, you just wanna talk for the sake of it

Your assessment is on point. Terrible times are coming. :pray:

Blessed are those who have passed on in the Lord, at least their eyes will not witness what is surely coming upon the earth.

I had asked you to name one character trait of Donald Trump that is Christ like but I didn’t hear back.

This one is from today in South Carolina where Trump is addressing an overflow, outdoor space because the arena is packed with thousands of his supporters. South Carolina is Nimrata Randhawa’s home state; where she hopes to make a comeback. She ignored Nevada and went ahead to camp in SC perhaps all for nought. In SC, Biden also had the lowest voter turnout in decades with only 4% of voters coming out to vote in the primaries despite Rep Clayburn intensely rallying the Black vote for Biden. Apparently Biden went there and fed black people fried catfish for lunch instead of addressing the reparations issue which angered them greatly. Rep Clayburn said, and I quote, “we keep hitting this MAGA wall.” Oh well! Biden won SC in 2020 but it appears that he will lose it this year. Are you keeping track of how many states have slipped off his grip?

The two are sides to the same coin. Only fanatics think they are different.

Mimi Niko na Trump kufa kupona